Daily Ride, About 35 Km

I tried taking my dog out for a short ride but now he hates his trailer again. I think it would be impossible now to actually take him on a bike trip. I feel like I screwed up big time by quitting my job as it's really hard to find anyone to watch him so I can take all the bike trips I planned this summer.

I went for a ride, kind of slow, as I'm kind of in a bad mood today. Maybe it's the humidity. I stopped at the park to read and have a salad I bought at the co-op. This spot was OK, but I decided to ride to Forest Lawn Cemetery instead.


Scajaquada Creek runs through the cemetery. It's pretty polluted so I wouldn't go in it. There is a ravine hidden behind the rows of tombstones. Down a path is a most beautiful peaceful place to sit, which nobody even knows about.




I went home after this and took a ridiculously long nap, maybe 4 hours, waking up around 18:30. I went back out and rode some more.

Maybe I've mentioned this before, but our city smells like Cheerios, and sometimes Fruit Loops. The General Mills plant didn't seem to be running today so I didn't get neither of these kind of nice smells today.


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