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RE: Ride to Outer Harbor, La Salle Park and Maybe Not the Best Place to Watch the Sunset Today

Wow, really beautiful! Kind of cool how the sunset spilled over and all around the bridge!

Definitely hear you about family, mine can really drive me nuts sometimes, but it's usually when I'm resisting accepting them as they are & I get irritated that they won't act like I want them to in my mind (ie - why does my Mom always have to say that stupid thing?! Who cares, because she does, it doesn't even matter, why do I care, why can't I just let her be who she is? LOL). Family knows how to push all the buttons because they're the ones who installed the damn buttons. I struggle with this quite a bit.

I love that you got your dog a trailer, I really wanted to do that for mine after her surgery as part of her recovery program, but I lost her a week after. It sounds like you're on to something with maybe it being that he can't see you, maybe he feels insecure? Do you talk to him while you're riding so he can hear your voice? I'll keep thinking about this, it would be so cool if you guys could adventure together and have it be a fun experience for you both!


I talk to him. It used to keep him calm but it's not working anymore. I might just try taking him down the block and stopping there. Maybe that won't set him off. Then I can gradually increase the riding time again.

Yeah, the family thing just leaves me feeling so negative. I want to be a positive person.

That's so interesting, I'm so curious as to why he's agitated. Does the trailer have one of his beds in it or anything? Maybe a t-shirt that you've been wearing that smells like you? I came to learn with my pup that most of the time when she was aggressive, it was coming from fear, so that if I could make her feel safe and secure it got better. The same is probably true for me if we're gonna be honest LOL!

I feel you on that family stuff, it's hard. Especially as we grow into our own adults and then when we gather everyone snaps back into the toxic family dynamic of when we were little. I don't have it figured out at all. But I do find that when I can just accept them for who they are without trying to change them in my mind or wish they were different, the more peaceful I can be with myself. Also, when I can just be comfortable in my own skin & happy with who I am in the moment, it's less stressful. I try to practice this a lot, ask myself why I'm bothered and let it go. It's really challenging AF.

I have a blanket from the house in there. I could try the blanket from his crate.

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