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RE: Autumn cycling - Avedøreværket

in #cycling6 years ago

The expression: "beyond the Valby Hill," still means - Anything outside of Copenhagen ie. something Copenhageners doesn't care or don't know about.

Wow. We have the same in Oslo - "north of Sinsenkrysset" basically means "the rest of Norway", as in "anything Oslo people doesn't care or know about".


Begrepet «nord for Sinsenkrysset» har vært en gjenganger i norske distriktspolitiske debatter der Oslofolk beskyldes for ikke å bry seg om eller vite noe om hva som skjer nord for krysset. Uttrykket er først kjent fra revyer i 1960-åra. Koblinga til ei nordlig grense for Oslo her er antagelig at Sinsenkrysset tidligere var endepunkt for den nordlige hovedinnfartsåra til byen, før E6 ble lagt gjennom Djupdalen. Som mange andre slike begreper har også dette blitt snudd på hodet av Oslofolk som omtaler alt som er «nord for Sinsenkrysset» som uinteressant bondeland. På øvre, nordlige brukar på Sinsenkrysset, der Trondheimsveien passerer, er det for øvrig en utsmykning med ordet «Nordafor», mens det på motsatt side står «Sønnafor».

This crossroad really was kind of borderland before, until the 50s, the farmland really started here. Then they started building lots of residential apartment buildings on the farmland as well as metro lines serving the new suburban areas.

I was well aware that we were living "north of Sinsenkrysset" in my childhood, in the arctic northern Norway (Tromsø). Now we've become an Oslo family, but ironically we're still living north of Sinsen!


That is really funny! I never heard of the Oslo saying, but it is obviously the same thing. Actually, now I think of it it is even closer for the real way of saying it is : "Vest for Valby Bakke." Exactly the same as North of Sinsenkrysset.

Here is an example of its use from a newspaper. It refer simply to the rest of Denmark.

Now the Copenhagen suburbs cover all of the land west of Valby, but we still do not entirely call the place Copenhagen. Vestegnen is the word we use and it has a lot of the old Copenhagener snobbery in it :) Their football club is Brøndby IF and in Copenhagen main we have FCK. The worst hooligans in Denmark living 10 kilometres from each other and always in eternal battle.

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