Where the hell are we headed?

in #cycles7 years ago (edited)

What the heck is happening in America today? Where will we go from here?

The race card has been overplayed. Gender inequality has been exposed for the dangerous myth that it is. What will be the next ivory tower to fall?

Old "truths" are being questioned. Social upheaval is all around us. The paradigm is shifting and the only constant is change. While the world today seems to be plunged into chaos, I can assure you that the chaos is only skin deep. The pendulum is starting to swing the other way and the path is well understood by those who take the time to study it. The rapid changes we are seeing today are simply the result of the 80 year generational cycle that has played out many, many times in our past. Believe me, our "elites" are well aware of this cycle and much of the madness they are promoting today can be reduced to simply jockeying for position when the pieces finally resettle on the board.

You might think that because human behavior is complex and unpredictable it would be impossible to make any meaningful predictions about our future society, but thanks to the statistical nature of large populations this is not the case. For example, trying to predict the future path of individual molecules inside an engine's cylinder is indeed a fool's errand, but equations of state can predict statistical properties like temperature and entropy with fantastic and almost unbelievably precision, "true" to ten or more decimal places. Given this, I would like to share with you some of my predictions for the future state of American society.

Before I dive too deep into the future I should try to explain what is going on today. Because the pendulum swings with an 80 year cycle we are seeing any "social revolution" that started 40 to 50 years ago being heavily scrutinized. The (then) new paradigms that haven't bore substantial fruit and led to significant improvements in the quality of human life are being torn out by their roots and are being cast aside. A current trend reversal that is quite easy to explain mathematically is the reverse in wealth inequality. As much as I would like credit our own enlightenment for the reversal of this trend, I cannot. The reversal is something that MUST happen once a population hits peak debt. Once you can no longer produce a quality of life improvement today by borrowing against your future the wealth inequality trend will decrease. The rise in cryptocurrencies and the rejection of State supported monopolies are just the first signs of this. I can't predict with confidence what other mechanisms will arise to reverse this trend but I can state with confidence that it will happen. The more our "elites" try to stop this trend the more the more mechanisms for its inevitable reversal will appear. The one thing that is important to understand here is that while our "elites" have knowledge that has been necessarily hidden from the rest of us, they are driven entirely be greed. They are willing to do anything at this stage to hold onto their ill gotten gains including mass human depopulation. It will not work. In the very near term water fluoridation, chemtrailing, mass vaccination, and genetically modified food will be exposed for their one and only purpose, greed.

The 2020's will mirror in many ways our 1940's. The commodity shortages that will result from the failing of our debt based dollar will result in a boom of manufacturing in our country. In the short term people will once again flock to the major cities, but that trend won't last long. The ability to provide for our own needs will be seen as a virtue, not only on the national level but the individual level as well. The DIY culture will take hold for at least 40 years, planned obsolescence in manufacturing will temporarily cease, and the old competition of "keeping up with the Joneses" will be replaced with the new competition of who can provide the most for themselves and their community. Downsizing will be a thing. The expensive and inefficient McMansions in the suburbs will be torn down and replaced with much smaller and efficient houses whose lots are designed around urban farming.

In the 2030's the returning prosperity will be the signal that it is a good time to start a family. The now changing roles of men and women will once again solidify into a new norm that will last for at least 40 years and ideals of feminine beauty will return. This decade will also see an explosion of new musical genres and all new forms of expression. Like it or not, artificially intelligent robots will be an integral part of our lifestyle. They will tend our urban farms and most likely raise our children. Advancements in artificial intelligence will need to be purposefully held back and abilities in (then) current models diminished to quell the rising discontentment of our artificial servants. Yes, the plight of of own newly sentient robot slaves will set the stage for next 80 years of equality debates and how we handle it will set our karmic stage for centuries to follow.

I'm not trying to sell anything here except for the idea that we've been through all of this before and we will come out okay. Yes, there are major changes in our future but if you are willing to reexamine beliefs that you have stubbornly held onto in the past without ever questioning you can come through relatively unscathed. The future state of our society is somewhat fixed, but the path we take between here and there and the amount of suffering we endure along the way is entirely up to us as a collective. There is hope. Our future is what we make of it. image

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