CyClean, the Tesla of Blockchain?

in #cyclean6 years ago

Visionaries see beyond the present. They identify new opportunities and trends to embark on a mission to create a better future for mankind, even if it means taking a massive risk. Today, I want to compare two similar yet contrasting global visionaries. They are CyClean and Tesla.


Men with a Dream, Taking a Risk with New Technology

Both the leaders of CyClean and Tesla are no ordinary businessmen. Elon Musk began his career as an entrepreneur at a very early age. He started several businesses, including Zip2, an online business directory. CyClean’s founder also started various business ventures before imagining the CyClean project. Eventually, both entrepreneurs found themselves working on electric vehicles and sustainable energy.

However, the decision to enter the electric motor market was probably not an easy one for Tesla. Gasoline cars were still the most widely used mode of ground transportation, and there was a degree of risk in producing electric cars. People saw electric cars as a more ecofriendly product, but many were skeptical about them. CyClean too is a project that was born during the infancy stages of blockchain technology. Many people believe that blockchain technology is the future, but many are skeptical. The leaders of both CyClean and Tesla attempted to change the world when people were rather pessimistic.

Going Electric

One of the more obvious similarities between CyClean and Tesla is that both produce electric vehicles. The first Tesla automobile, the Tesla Roadster, was produced ten years ago in 2008. In a time when gasoline vehicles were dominant, the electric motor company paid little attention to naysayers, coming through with its promise of introducing to the world an electric vehicle. Returning to the present, CyClean has revealed an impressive line of electric two-wheeled vehicles, such as the electric scooter and electric bicycle. CyClean is currently developing its electric automobile, which is expected to see daylight next year.


A Shared Vision

Tesla’s mission is “to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.” What this means is that Tesla’s goal is to create a world that uses clean energy. Does this sound familiar? It should, because CyClean’s slogan is “Making a clean world.” Both projects pursue the same end goal of abandoning traditional energy sources and expedite the adoption of clean energy, such as electric and solar energy. The vision is realized not only through the production of electric vehicles, but also through the production of solar panels. Tesla has its own solar panels for homeowners, as does CyClean. With a similar line of products, CyClean and Tesla are aiming to revolutionize the clean energy industry.


Differences between the Two – Offering More than a Pat on the Back

Renewable energy is a buzzword that is commonly spoken by people everywhere. Renewable energy is indubitably the future, and Tesla and CyClean have caught onto this trend. Tesla offers people quality cars with futuristic designs. By using Tesla’s products, people feel good about themselves. CyClean also gives the world products that are both pretty and reliable. But there’s more. With the advent of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, CyClean has attached a monetary incentive to purchasing and using CyClean’s products. CyClean’s mining system rewards people for using ecofriendly products, and this differentiates CyClean from Tesla. CyClean offers a tangible reward for those who contribute to a cleaner earth.

More than Just an Electric Vehicle Producer

Tesla’s main businesses are in the manufacturing of electric vehicles and solar panels. This no doubt contributes to cleaner air, as it reduces gas emissions levels. CyClean does this as well, but CyClean is more than just an air pollution reducer. CyClean’s vision spans beyond the range of clean energy. CyClean’s mission is to make the world a better place in many more ways. In addition to clean energy, CyClean promotes healthy living by rewarding people for participating in fitness activities. CyClean aims to eliminate world hunger by allowing people with limited resources to not only produce electricity in their homes, but also to mine CyClean tokens, which can be sold in the market for real money. By doing so, people are able to pay for their daily needs.

What is awesome is CyClean is not limited to a certain industry. CyClean is all about giving to the world, whether it is through cleaning up our environment, feeding those in need, or holding model contests for those chasing their dreams. I consider these things to separate CyClean from Tesla.



Tesla is globally recognized as one of the leaders in electric automobile production, and CyClean is rising in the ranks as one of the leading philanthropic cryptocurrencies. Both are striving to achieve something that goes beyond a company’s financial success. Tesla is on track to speeding up the transition from fossil fuel energy to renewable energy. CyClean is doing the same, but it does more. CyClean wants to change the way the world operates by helping people in a myriad of ways.

I firmly believe that both CyClean will make the world a better place. I’ve outlined some of the similarities between the two, and I’ve also pointed out some differences. I do consider CyClean to be the Tesla of blockchain. The Tesla of blockchain with a bigger dream.

For more information about CyClean, please visit our website at ☞

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