*Cyber Security* - 21st Century Problem

Good Evening Steemians,

Tonight in my Advanced Information Systems class at UCF, we had a long discussion on cyber security today.

Prior to class, I read an article (see link below) comparing cyber security today to accounting before Enron. The author references the tepid consequences surrounding cyber security hacks. He goes on to say, "But when these vulnerabilities are exposed and damaging attacks occur, there are few lasting repercussions. Almost without fail, stock prices bounce back, customers return, executives keep their jobs or exit with golden parachutes, and government mostly looks the other way."


Cyber Security is a serious and imminent threat in the 21st century. With the rapid rise in technology, hackers are getting better and better at their jobs. Putting in the proper controls to ensure attacks cannot be made on your system/operations should be a top priority for all companies.

I believe cryptocurrency can benefit the cyber security field immensely.

Lastly, do you think companies should put more of their money and resources into preventing or detecting hacks?

Before you think, consider both options...Preventing a hack is every company's goal but firms worldwide are having difficulties detecting hacks and often are not able to detect them for months..

Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 7.37.52 PM.png

Thank you,


Blockchain will help cyber security.

This is solving a big problem.

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