
Thanks for bringing other possible plagiarism to my attention. I will take a look now...

Ok, so on that site, which is not, the actual photographer says that is his picture and has a link to his website. The same website I posted in my comment above.

Even if that other website is using Ruud De Korte's pictures without his consent, they are at least giving photo credit and linking to his site, neither of which you did here on Steemit. Since it is apparently actually Ruud De Korte that posted the picture there is obviously no issue with violating his ownership rights. He was the one showing it in the first place.

I explained why I and others flagged you. I'm going to bed now, but I can explain how to properly give credit and have a solid post if you care to do it correctly.

You freely admit you plagiarized and your excuse is that others plagiarize, is that correct?

I suggest that you instead create your own original content or learn how to give proper credit and your own original commentary when using others intellectual property to avoid being flagged in the future.


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