Blockchain technology is the future of e-commerce

The smart contract technology of blockchain enables consumers to regain the ownership and income of consumption data, enabling the free flow of value exchange between the monopolist and the consumer.
The focus of the blockchain is the ability to tap the value of e-commerce data and traffic to build a trusted converged platform. Consolidate the data and traffic of small and medium-sized e-commerce sellers in a legal and compliant manner to realize the value of the data and achieve free communication and interaction among consumers, merchants, and advertisers/brands.
Each merchant can send consumer rewards to consumers. Consumers can enjoy points redemption, point discounts, etc., while advertisers/brands can also use points to direct consumers to advertise.
Establish an efficient, secure and transparent trading mechanism. To promote decentralized user point wallets, each consumer can manage his own points in the points wallet, authorize management of his own consumption data, and publish purchase requirements.
In addition, merchants can maintain user data through points management and realize the realization of data assets. Advertisers/brands reach customers through smart contract-based advertising, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
In the current business environment, surrounded by e-commerce giants such as Alibaba and Amazon, the e-commerce industry has become a highly centralized area. With huge data and traffic, the e-commerce giants firmly grasp the platform's initiative, and each transaction is conducted under the platform's “monitoring”. SMEs can only rely on their survival, and pay a high "protection fee." CyberMiles hopes to build a "smart contract" platform in the e-commerce space to solve the trust mechanism problem, thus helping more SMEs to break this "giant monopoly" centralization and resist the giants.
About CyberMiles
CyberMiles is a new decentralized blockchain protocol optimized for commercial transactions. CyberMiles (CMT) commenced operations in Blockchain Development Lab 5xlab in June 2017, and was established in Hong Kong as a non-profit CyberMiles Foundation, using innovative "Smart Business Contract" modules that are simple, effective and convenient. Deal with transactions and guarantee their transparency. The technology is focused on business applications, and the protocol ensures the right balance between vertical performance and network compatibility.

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