Cyber Bullying - Standing Up For The Ones Who Can't

in #cyberbullying6 years ago

Hi Steemians,

I'd like to share some of my thoughts on the topical issue of cyber bullying, more specifically what measure's I feel are available to best deal with what has fast become a real blight on our society. Recent calls in the mainstream media have focused around the calling of a Parliamentary enquiry to deal with cyber related bullying, but like so many things left in the hands of the Government, it turns into a vote buying exercise instead of solving the problem at hand.



I think most of us can relate to bullying at some level, I can remember at school from time to time someone might call me fat, or having a big nose, things that later on in life I became proud of, but as a 13 or 14 year old I didn't see it that way. They used to say one could ski down my nose, but hey, seems like they're the ones going downhill!!


Sadly, not all bullying is as trivial as what I experienced. Probably the most heartbreaking case of recent times is that of teenager Amy "Dolly" Everett who tragically took her own life after being the subject to a horrible cyber bullying campaign. A valuable life with massive potential, cut short by the deplorable actions of a few. Calls for "Dolly's Law" are now in full swing, and while I am not specifically against the naming of a law in one's honor, are there existing laws that afford suitable protection to society's most vulnerable?.


Having completed a Law Degree in 2009, I always find it interesting that when tragedies happen, mainstream media and those who purport to be experts, regularly look to the creation of new laws to solve the issue, sparking debate, buying votes, putting themselves and their agendas in the spotlight, instead of first looking for current legal remedies. Doubling up simply wastes time, causes unnecessary heartache and could, in extreme circumstances costs lives.

The call now is to extend restraining order laws to cyber bullying, but who actually know's what a current restraining order can cover? Recently, a friend was able to get in Violence Restraining Order against a former work colleague, extending to the prevention of communication or distribution of media by electronic means, with the Magistrate specifically including Facebook, Twitter etc in the order.

Below is a small extract that I snapped with her permission.


Some may ask what happens if the person breaches the order? by sending an abusive facebook message or a derogatory post? Well, after a call is made, Police investigate, and if they feel the order has been breached, they arrest the person and (procedure states) they are kept in custody until they are brought before a Magistrate. That can be a matter of hours or days, and from my recollection of prison visits in my law school days, it's going to sober up a cyber bully quick smart.

Most states have mirroring restraining order provisions (lasting up to 2 years in most cases), and while we think of them as being applicable in domestic relationship circumstances, I believe when used appropriately can be very effective in helping stamp out the cyber bullying trend - I've seen it work with my own eyes. I am not claiming to have the only solution, it's merely my opinion of what I think can work.

Finally, If you know someone who is the subject of online bullying please let them know that there are options out there, and if necessary go with them to the relevant Court, as they can be daunting places (in WA it's the Magistrates Court) link below, as they will be more likely to follow through and seek the relief they need if they are accompanied by a family member or friend.

Ciao for Now!

Credits :


Upvote and resteem. Lets hope that more people be as friendly as most steemers on internet. Some steemers bully by flagging others for no reason. In one instance I got bullied for pointing to one of your posts. @sweetsssj gets bullied all the time. Don't let your heads hang down when people misinterpret the meaning of life.

Thanks for the support @lucky.digger, and @sweetsssj you can reach out any time, I am definately a fan :)

Cyber bullying one of the case that implemented last, last year after many of child was died.

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