Dr Samuel Douglas Curriculum Vitae

Dr Samuel Douglas


2006 – 2015
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Newcastle
Dissertation: Words and the world: a critique of straight solutions to Kripke’s meaning scepticism.
2000 – 2005
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Philosophy
University of Newcastle
Open Foundation [Intensive]
University of Newcastle


Critical Thinking, Critical Theory
Developed and delivered a six week 'crash course' covering the fundamentals of critical thinking including the nature of justification, the foundations of knowledge, introduction to propositional and predicate reasoning, induction and analogy, informal fallacies and cognitive biases.

Ethics, Technology and Engineering
Delivered tutorials on accountability, the concepts and moral frameworks of engineering ethics, and the techniques of normative analysis of technology and engineering practice.

The World’s Great Thinkers, II
Developed and delivered lectures (in class and online) for the 2nd year compulsory component of the Philosophy & Religious Studies major, covering the lives and ideas of Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Hilary Putnam.

Introduction to Philosophy of Psychology
Delivered tutorials on topics relevant to the foundations and practice of psychology; the mind/body problem, deductive & inductive reasoning, method and values in science, and professional ethics.

Open Foundation Philosophy
Delivered philosophy tutorials for the mature-age entry program across epistemology, metaphysics, critical reasoning and ethics, with a strong focus on engaging and supporting students who have experienced educational disadvantage.

Human Values and Commercial Practice
Delivered tutorials on topics relevant to students seeking a career in business and management.

Philosophy Honours I
Developed and delivered honours-level coursework seminars on recent responses to Kripke’s (1982) formulation of meaning scepticism.

2012 – 2017
Ethical Debates in the Social Sciences
Tutored on general ethical principles and methods, as well as on a range of specific ethical questions relevant to the social interest and professional practice of graduates of the Bachelor of Social Science. This included topics such as the nature of justice, immigration, informed consent in social research, and the ethics of whistle-blowing.

2007 – 2011
Media, Ethics, Law
Developed course material and tutored on general ethical principles and methods, as well as exploring specific ethical issues relevant to journalism, production, advertising and public relations. Topics covered included: privacy and the public interest, chequebook journalism, PR and harmful products, as well as objectivity and informed consent in documentary film-making.

Open Foundation Philosophy
Delivered lectures on critical reasoning and deductive logic for the mature-age enabling program.

Introduction to Philosophy A
Tutored a wide range of topics as part of an introductory course in philosophy.


September 2014 – August 2017
Program Advisor, Student and Academic Business, University of Newcastle
Responsible for specialist advice to students and faculty staff regarding enrolment, progression and University policy. Facilitated administrative activities across areas such as eligibility to graduate, cross-institutional enrolment and variation of degree requirements. Provided quality assurance for university promotional material, online degree handbooks, and Australian Course Information Register (ACIR) entries.

February 2006 – September 2014
Program Officer, Faculty and Student Services, University of Newcastle
Responsible for administrative activities and advice relating to academic credit, admission, enrolment and degree program completion requirements. Responsible for assessing students for eligibility to qualify in degree programs. Provided advice on university policy to both students and staff in the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment.

November 2010 – May 2011
Research Assistant, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Newcastle.
Responsible for the provision of updated course material for the course: Media, Law, Ethics. This included tutorial readings, case studies, tutorial questions as well as examples to be utilized in lectures and tutorial discussions.


Educational Ethics: Dilemmas of Diversity.

This interdisciplinary pilot program aims to generate normative case studies (NCS) of contemporary educational dilemmas which are intrinsic to the moral nature of teachers’ work, but also recognisable to Australian teachers’ experiences through the identification of localised social, political, economic, cultural and geographic characteristics and tensions.


Douglas, S. (2015). Words and the world: a critique of straight solutions to Kripke’s meaning scepticism, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Newcastle, http://hdl.handle.net/1959.13/1298979

Douglas, S. (2005). Paradox and Perfection: Anselm’s Ontological Argument, Unpublished Honours thesis, University of Newcastle.


Journal Articles

Douglas, Samuel Paul (2018). “The Qua-Problem and Meaning Scepticism,” Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 17: 71–78. doi: 10.22381/LPI1720184

Opinion and outreach pieces

Douglas, S. (2017, November 28). Independent Australia. The ethics of Manus Island. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/the-ethics-of-manus-island,10968

Douglas, S. (2017, November 12). Independent Australia. Casual academia: Flexibility, agility and despair. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/casual-academia-flexibility-agility-and-despair,10922

Douglas, S. (2017, September 30). Independent Australia. Voluntary assisted dying: Solving the impossible trolley problem. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/assisted-dying-solving-the-trolley-problem,10766

Douglas, S. (2017, June 17). Independent Australia. Grenfell Tower disaster: Engineering Responsibility. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/grenfell-tower-fire-disaster-engineering-responsibility,10409

Douglas, S. (2017, June 6). Independent Australia. The ‘lucky country’, the ‘fair go’, and getting what we deserve. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/the-lucky-country-the-fair-go-and-getting-what-we-deserve,10370

Douglas, S. (2017, May 16). Independent Australia. In case you missed it — abortion is still illegal in NSW and QLD in 2017. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/in-case-you-missed-it-abortion-is-still-illegal-in-nsw-and-qld-in-2017,10305

Douglas, S. (2017, May 10). Independent Australia. Nimbin MardiGrass, cannabis law reform and political malaise. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/nimbin-mardigrass-cannabis-law-reform-and-political-malaise,10281

Douglas, S. (2017, May 7). Independent Australia. Power in Australia: The rich rule and the poor can help themselves. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/exercising-power-in-australia,10272

Douglas, S. (2017, April 30). Independent Australia. Politicians and their 'Australian values'. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/politicians-and-their-australian-values,10247

Douglas, S. (2017, April 27). Independent Australia. Fake news, politics and what we think we know. Retrieved from https://independentaustralia.net/business/business-display/politics-and-what-we-think-we-know,10236

Douglas, S. (2016). “Unpaid overtime”. Advocate: Newsletter of the National Tertiary Education Union, Vol. 23, No. 2, Jun 2016: 44-45.23(2), 44-45.


Forster, D. J., Douglas, S. (2017). The Normative Case Study, transitional action and corruption in educational ethics. In D. J. Forster (Chair), Grounding the interdisciplinary pilot project ‘Educational Ethics: Perspectives on Dilemmas of Diversity’. Symposium conducted at the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia Conference, Newcastle, Australia.

Douglas, S., Forster, DJ, (2017). What’s in a dilemma? Generative thinking from teacher ethics. Paper presented at the Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, Adelaide, Australia.

Douglas, S. (2010). Implications of the Non-normativity of Meaning. Paper presented at the Australasian Association of Philosophy Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Professional Service

2018 - Team Leader for PEiPL: At the Margins

This working group aims to explore ways in which philosophical activity and knowledge can constructively infuse the lives of individuals with limited exposure to philosophy due to their social marginalization, and how the diversity their involvement encompasses in turn enriches philosophy.


2006 – 2015
Member, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment Marketing Committee Group, University of Newcastle.

2016 – present
National & State Councillor - Univerity of Newcastle Branch, National Council & NSW State Council, National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU).


Australasian Association of Philosophy
Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia
Philosophical Engagement in Public Life (PEiPL)


Great idea. Wills would work nicely too.

Wills? Yeah, definitely. I figure I've been doing the same with LinkedIn and various other places - just made sense to chuck it here and I'll just make a new post when it needs updating. The worst that could happen is a visit from @cheetah for copying from myself, but I could always decline a reward for future versions if people don't feel it's worth anything.

Some of those publications look like interesting reads. I think I should put my thinking cap on and have a read. Cheers.

You can add this as your website in the settings of Steemit. So, that it could serve as some kind of a featured post. It's an impressive resume!

Yeah that's a good idea, will look at it ASAP.
I don't know that it's that impressive - some of the people I work with basically do that much in a year!

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

I am having a great day. But you forgot to upvote me. A quick look in the blockchain indicates that you've sent this message to lots of people today - and you've forgotten to vote for any of them!

If you are running this sort of scam, there are some people whose attention you don't want to attract.

I fall into that category.

Flagged 🚩 Have a great day!

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