US billionaire predicts world economic crisis in months due to dollarsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #currency7 years ago (edited)

Washington, June 8, 2017.- The global economic crisis will erupt very soon. Maybe before the end of the year, legendary US investor Jim Rogers said in an interview with Rambler News Service.

The billionaire predicts that, as the US currency is considered a reliable asset, people worried about the economic crisis will buy dollars. The dollar will rise "very high", after which there will be "a bubble" and collapse, Rogers said.

Then, investors are looking for other assets, one of which will be the Russian ruble, explains the investor to add that, as a result, the ruble will be "much stronger than the dollar."

According to the expert, the crisis may come from anywhere in the world: the "collapse of the Greek economy", the "US pension plans" or the collapse of financial institutions in Europe or China. On China, the investor has stressed that "the Chinese have said that they will not save companies in bankruptcy" and has warned that if this really happens, "it will be a big shock for everyone."

"By 2019 anti-Russian sanctions will no longer be a problem"

The investor has also predicted that the sanctions imposed against Russia will be lifted in the next year or the next two years and that the process will start from Europe. "I think that by 2019 the sanctions will no longer be a problem," said the expert, who also stressed the increase in the share of agriculture in the Russian economy thanks to sanctions.

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Sweet! More billionaires jumping off of buildings!

i like him a lot....he is one which you should listen case you dont know him.
Marc Faber,Jim Richards are two others.....

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