Redfish Power Up league - Application for Curie Community Building Support

@curie is the most well known curation community on Steem, but they are also a witness and part of their mission is to help grow other communities.

Last week they announced The Curie Community Building support application for September, and no doubt they have received many amazing application from awesome communities and contests seeking support.  A big shout out to all the team working hard on this and thank you for opening up the application.  It comes at a time when many are struggling due to the lower prices and the lower vote values.

If you want to read more about this imitative then do hop over and have a read of the post from @curie

That all being said, I too have an entry and I hope @randomwanderings and @curie will accept this post as my formal application for support.  If you would like to add your support to this application please do leave a comment below.

Application Information:

1. What is your community / contest and what is its purpose here on Steem?

I have been running a contest every Wednesday for the last 11 weeks.  The contest is the Redfish Power Up league and Wall of Fame.  The aim of this contest is to promote long term thinking on STEEM and to motivate and encourage redfish to power up and grow their accounts to reach minnowhood.

 The contest is opt in. Once a participant say they want in, they remain in until they either graduate or ask to be removed.  Every week I track their growth in SP using steemsql.  Prizes are awarded for being on top of the weekly league, there are spot prizes and there are prizes for those that graduate from the Power Up league to the Wall of Fame.

Please do have a look at the latest league post

In 11 weeks we have seen 12 redfish graduate to minnowhood.  With this success and a request from participants  @steemcommunity witness has just set up a follow up league, The Minnow Power Up leagues

Here is our Redfish Wall of Fame and proud graduates

2. How much support are you seeking per month for the two-month period?

I am seeking 20 STEEM a week or 80 STEEM a month. 

3. How will this support be used?

20 STEEM a week will be allocated to prizes between both the weekly league table and to the Wall of Fame graduates.  

4. Approximately how many users participate in your community or contest?

Yesterdays contest had 93 entrants and 12 graduates.

5. How will supporting your community or contest help grow the Steem community?

The redfish power up league is inclusive of all redfish.  By doing so, it complements other redfish programs available and encourages long term thinking, which gives steem the time needed to grow a stable ecosystem.

By winning support and sponsorship, this will greatly increase the reward pool for the content and in turn I hope will also increase motivation.  And for the winners I hope it will increase the speed in which they grow.

Redfish powering up benefits the entire steem platform.  It is a small step that helps change the distribution and ensures a continued growth of 'locked in' steem.  

6. What is your Discord name and number? (Optional - This may also be sent privately to @randomwanderings#9929 on Discord.)

 paulag (steemcommunity witness)#0515 


I am extremely grateful to take part in this opportunity by @curie.  It is things like this that help grow and strengthen Steem


Best of luck Paula. Your work is inspiring.

thank you sooooo much @akdx

I hope you get this support @paulag!

@curie and @randomwanderings, I've witnessed first hand what curie support has done for @abh12345's Engagement and Curation Leagues, and I believe that it would do the same for @paulag's Redfish Power Up League too. That added support, in my oh so humble opinion ;) would not only help @paulag to reward those focused on growing, but also encourage more to join in; encouraging growth and engagement simultaneously.

Once again thanks for all the effort you put into the Redfish power up league.... It kept me on my heels and allowed me to push for the minnow level.

That is the reason I also want to join the Minnow power up league as well. I am hoping to be a Dolphin before the mid of 2019. The thing is that I will not be able to buy any Steem, so my best chance is to remain focused and keep on steeming. I am hoping that the Minnow power up league would help me in keeping my eyes on the target just as Redfish power up league did.

I hope that @curie sees the kind of impact that the redfish power up league had on so many good Steemians. The posts not only generated engagement for the league but the people who were participating in it got to start their own engagements with each other on their blogs. I can personally attest to this.

The usefulness of Redfish power league to the community can also be gauged from the fact that its successor 'minnow power up league' is already garnering so much engagement, with several people already registered for it. I am hoping that @curie also takes this into account. The fact that the redfish power up league just didn't fizzle out at the end but actually evolved into a bigger and a better iteration of itself also speaks volumes about its impact on community.

such an amazing comment and feedback on the league. lol sometimes it can be hard to motivate myself to do the league posts, but its comments and feedback like this that make it all worth while.

I hope you make to dolphinhood by mid 2019, I will be following your progress in the league :-)

I hope you get the support @paulag; you do a LOT for the Steemit community! And I have a vested interest as a member of the Redfish Power-up League... in fact, it has inspired me to put some of "my own skin" in, just today. We need more initiatives like this!


This is a great project which i have been following for a number of weeks. It is ideas like this which get people interested in the blockchain and encourage them to get more involved in the community. Unfortunately for myself i was gone past redfish status by the time i came across the league. Luckily for me there is now going to be a minnow league as we try to improve and grow our accounts.

To anybody reading this, i fully support the application for help and think that this is an important and well run project on steemit.

and we are delighted that you joined the minnow power up, good work. swim on, steem on, rock on!

God luck to you @paulag. I strongly support this idea, yesterday I read from an article that the turnover of votes and the curation of newcomers to the witness was greater than the witness to redfish. I am sure that this proposal can reach the attention of the witnesses to pay more attention to the redfish. @curie can start this initiative. God bless you Mrs. @paulag

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you very much @khaimi, it would be so cool to get some support

You are welcome Mrs. @paulag.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sending good luck your way. I am enjoying seeing my little account grow from a few cents to over 16 dollars. Still have a way to go before minnow hood :)

good, that way I get to keep you on my league lol. An no, I wish you massive growth, thank you for your support @gmatthe2

12 graduates is amazing! Let us celebrate that. Good luck @paulag

Posted using Partiko iOS

thank you so much ;-)

This is really good ideas I wish you to success.

thanks @mmunited my fingers are crossed

This would be so great for this program @paulag. Positive vibes being sent :D

thanks, im feeling the vibes all the way in ireland...nice

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