Shift your inner compass

in #curie6 years ago

'' Discover yourself, otherwise you have to depend on other people’s opinions who don’t know themselves. '' -Osho


We are creatures of meaning.
That’s what makes us, as human beings, stand out from the other living entities present in our world.
That is why we tell ourselves stories.
They give meaning to our life, that may otherwise appear as meaningless.
Our internal world is very vast, much like a big forest.
The day I realized it, little did I know that the seeds I planted would have turned into the growth of many trees.
And yet, many of us will not even realize everything that can be found from within.
It is to miss a very precious part of life to not take the time to discover who we really are, in the depths of our internal self.

The modern world does an excellent job at taking our focus away from the essential, in other words, away from ourselves.
We are constantly being offered endless possibilities to distract and numb ourselves.
What motivates us, is no longer internal, it’s external.
All to achieve superficial instances: material, money, power, prestige, status, fame, name it.
None of these things matter, but how can one realize it when he lives in a world that teaches him otherwise?
Regardless, anything external can not provide us with the most valuable asset to possess in my eyes: peace of mind.
You may have everything on a material level, which can surely assure you great physical comfort, but how much does it matter when you don’t have the other part of the equation?


Who were you before the world told you who you should be?
Our mind can be compared to a ground that is fertile.
If we water it every day, the seeds will start to grow.
If we neglect to take care of it, it will perish.
We can choose to create a world of abundance for ourselves.
All it takes is a great dose of persistence and self-awareness.


Are we to blame if society has taught us to chase the wrong things from the very beginning?
We take part in this race, but do we really think that there’s an end to it?
If there was one, for all these years that we’ve spent running around chasing for happiness, love, success, wouldn’t we have reached the finish line already?
Shouldn’t that be a sign that maybe we ought to change something?

Osho has a way with words! What a real talk! 🔮 🔥



Who were you before the world told you who you should be?
Good question, and the start of a long journey into yourself, but one well worth it! ;-)
Great post again!

Awww:) you're such a sweetheart aren't you!! @bjornb💜
Thank you very much!:)
You said it all! Can't add more 😉

I totally agree with your words. We are all responsible for our life and we have to decide what we want to do (no one else). They try to exemplify our life, but it´s all illusion. Thanks for your article! :-)

Thanks a lot gorgeous!💛
Very well said!✨
Is life merely an illusion after all? 😉

Oh thanks :-) Nice question, I don´t know, but sometimes life seems to be like a film. You don´t really know what really true.

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