Paying for this dream that doesn't exist

in #curie6 years ago


Hey guys!✪ 💜✪
Happy Tuesday night (or Wednesday morning if you are reading this on the other side of the world).💛

Today was a special day for me as it marked the end of my cegep schooling.
In other words, it means that I can now head to University, which I plan on doing, if all goes well, in fall of 2019.
This picture was taken yesterday, as we were presenting our final projects that we had to do as part of a class that marks the end of our collegial journey. (Ain't no canabis activist there, but what do you expect when you're in a team with two guys who are 😉)

Today was my official last day of school in a CEGEP institution and I'm feeling very happy that I had the chance to end it on a great note.
I've been a very shy student my whole life I guess you could say, and so I've never been one known for raising my hand in class, even if I knew I had every reason to.
However, after having taken a 2 year break off school because of mental health reasons, when I came back, I felt different for some reason.
It's as if shy Sabrina had disappeared!
Sometimes I would even take myself by surprise for raising my hand to say stuff that I'd usually be absolutely terrified of saying.
Maybe it's cuz I was a bit older than most students?
I don't really know.
But I nonetheless feel proud that I have came this far in my journey.

Today we had to present our final projects in front of the class and teacher.
The purpose of our work consisted in picking an issue that was important for our current government in Quebec.
The last team up for presentation chose the issue of our education system.
This is a topic that I love to have a good debate on.
After their presentation, during the period of questions, I couldn't help but raise my hand to get my word out there.
(If you read my couple posts on the topic, you know what I'm on about 😏)
And so I felt proud for pushing myself to speak up about something that I have at heart!
It inspired me to title today's post ''paying for this dream that doesn't exist'', as it represents how I feel about our deeply flawed education system.

Perfection is not of this world, that I know, but it does not change the fact that our system is pretty much only a means to an end.
I know lots of people who think they're the shit because they've racked up a couple degrees.
I don't mean to take away the discipline and the efforts that it takes to get them, but all I'm saying is that a degree is not a fair representation of someone's true value, or of someone's ability to thrive in the real world.
But then again, that's what conventional wisdom has taught us, so can we really blame people for thinking that way?

This is one of the sentence I had the chance to say out loud today:
''Why is it that we are not taught things that can bring a real value to the world and to our lives once we exist the classroom?''
And here I was, naming the few skill sets that I judge essential to make this world a better place:

  • How to be a fundamentally good human being
  • Empathy
  • How to get better in relationships and in love
  • How to develop our emotional intelligence
  • How to cope with emotional pain and adversity

These are my own personal pillars, and I research on those topics almost daily.
The need is there because more than ever now do we need to make this world a much improved one.
As I often say, we change the world one human at a time.
Education is an extremely powerful outlet to make this change possible.
Positive parenting is another one as well.
Unfortunately, too many kids don't have the ''luxury'' of having loving and supportive parents that provide them with the tools they need to grow in a healthy and loving environment and become a great human.
I hate that I have to say it is a luxury, but it would be a lie if I said otherwise.
I may never want children of my own, but it will not stop me from being extremely sensitive to them, as from someone who had a taste of what a troubled childhood feels like, I know very well the pain and the scars it leaves someone with.
And no parent, absolutely no parent ever, should make this life changing decision if they have not healed their own wounds and if they are not conceiving children for the right reasons.
You are your child's parent, but your child is a child of god, and you don't own them!


Just like the adage that says that wealth can buy one happiness, this dream we have been promised ever since we entered the school system is not real.
But hey, that doesn't mean it has to stay that way!


How old are you? You must be pretty young if you're only a couple years out of high school.

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