It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone.

in #curie5 years ago

I'll start off this post with a quote that I absolutely love! Even though I don't like its content.
You'll see what I mean in a sec 😉



One thing that stuck with me from reading many experiments related to psychology, is that human beings are extremely prone to say or do as others, even when they know deep inside of themselves that what they're saying or doing does not match their true opinion.
It fascinates me deeply how we are very much inclined to follow the crowd, even in instances that pose no threat watsoever to ourselves.
It's a shame that unconsciousness is looked upon being a positive value.

But then again, can we really blame the crowd followers when their environment created them?
If you're raised by parents who conformed, that were themselves raised by parents who conformed, who were also brought up around people who conformed, the chances of you not conforming won't be very high.

life wakes you up.

A piece of my died when I got to experience human tragedy for the first time.
Here I was, wondering what on earth had I done wrong for this to happen to me.
While some types of pain will forever leave a mark on your heart, that pain can still transform you in a way that you could never have imagined possible.
Life experience has tested the limits of my own person, but it also gifted me with a very special power that I used to awaken myself.

Only then did I realize that I did not want to hide myself in the mass.
I wanted to live the life that felt the most true and real to me.
There is no greater challenge in adult life than finding your true identity and sticking by it no matter what comes your way.
It's easy to lose your own voice when you can constantly hear the voices of others talking louder than yours.
There will always be distractions no matter where you go, there will always be opinions that will go against what feels right in your heart, but that should never stop you from owning who you are.


Life is one heck of a short journey, hence the importance of finding what really matters to you early on.
If you do things for the wrong reasons or because of social pressures, one day it'll catch up with you.
If you don't stand for something... you'll fall for anything...



Your post titles sure do remind me of songs a lot. lol

haha do they?:P
Sometimes they come from quotes but I usually don't get them from songs:P that's interesting tho
most of the time they come from ma mind

Yeah I think it's just your writing style and my #skillage. lol
Sometimes I got money on my mind. lol

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