Don’t look for happiness in the same place you lost it

in #curie6 years ago

''If you lose someone, but find yourself, you won. ''

The ultimate human desire.
The one thing that one can never possibly want less of.
And yet, too many of us look for it in the wrong places.
Worse even, in the same place where we’ve lost it.
Going back to the same old job you promised yourself you would not go back to.
Getting back with your ex, and being upset when things start to go downhill again.
Falling back into the same old, all too familiar patterns.
I would assume that we know in the back of our minds that we are playing with fire.
That we know, that we are taking the dangerous path that says before entering (in caps):
Is it really a thing that the forbidden attracts us more than it should?

Life is a tough teacher and we all have plenty to learn along the way.
Nevertheless, there are still some traps that we can avoid falling into to reduce the risk of harm.
Ever heard the saying that the Ego is the cause the pain, and that the Soul is the cause of healing?
And guess which one of these guys rule us on a day to day basis?


Don’t twist reality.
Don’t you forget that the way you see life is only a reflection of how you see yourself.
Things are never the way they seem to be.
Life is no fairy tales, and something that once ripped your heart open will likely rip it again.
But why is it that we go back to look for happiness where we lost it?
As if one time of deep pain wasn’t enough, we go back.
Like the gambler who thinks that this time he will finally win the big shot, we try again and again and again. Hoping for the impossible.
There are no shortcuts or fast tracks to happiness.
If there was even one, you would probably have heard of it already. (but hey, these books on happiness and how to find it and keep it are still selling, so that’s your sign 😉 )


Be intentional about the way you choose to live your life.
Lift others up.
Give to others a piece of your heart.
Oh and… If this were to be the only thing I’d want you to remember from this…
Don’t ever expect anything. From anyone.
Expectations always hurt.
Things will never happen the way we imagine them in our minds.
That’s just the way it goes.
Last but not least. I gotta give it up for mister Tim! That one is just pure gold!
🔮 💜 ✨



Yeah I do agree with this one. #stayawayfromassholes lol

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