Do angels really exist?

in #curie6 years ago

    Angels are spiritual beings, who often give their strength to people who walk by our side; if we really pay attention, we can notice that they are in places like: roads, airplane cabins, in mountains, in hospitals, in the church, in the street, in our own house, wherever you are.

The angels of God, make themselves present, work in your life and in mine; answering that question, that challenge that disturbs you.

The angels, have become, every day more popular, more people say they have felt the presence of someone. I am going to tell you about an experience of a boy, in which he could not be more than the arms of one or several angels, who were present, to save his life.  


  It's the story of Jose Ramon, he was driving on a highway, suddenly an obstacle, he lost control of his car; the other drivers report that their vehicle took several turns, finally colliding with a defense wall and there the car remained (unusable); the people who were circulating around the site and who began to gather at the site, who felt, who, or who were in that vehicle died, because of the way the accident happened. 

Jose Ramon remembers nothing, after having seen the obstacle only heard a voice that shouted salt of the vehicle and then felt some powerful hands that pulled him very gently and pulled out of his car.  


  He comments that he went from being the protagonist to being a spectator; Nobody noticed his presence next to the car, everyone asked about the people who were in the car, they all seemed an amazing fact, where are the crew? ; how many people died there? People began to withdraw from the scene of the event.

Remaining Jose Ramon, alone in the place, happened through there, a good Samaritan (or an angel) offered to take him to his home, to which he acceded.  


  Already in the tranquility of his home, he manifested not even remember the face of the person, nor is able to describe the vehicle in which he was transported to his residence.

Today seven years of the event, he remembers almost nothing, the only thing he still perceives and says that if he closes his eyes and stays very still, he manages to feel the loving arms that took him out of the car. 


  Here comes another, I was not told I witnessed it with my own eyes, I was in my room, and at bedtime, I suddenly heard the voice of my brother saying my name, I get up and go to your room and not he is there and I realize that even; I had not come home.

Made nothing unusual, feet was Saturday and he used to go out with his friends.I felt an impulse and went to the door of the street, I see it coming in the distance, in the company of two large dogs and I tell myself, from where I will have taken them, what strange, I wait patiently for their arrival, as they I was approaching, the dogs were disappearing, as if vanishing before my own sight.

We went home and we did not talk about the dog episode. The next morning; he himself tells me about some guys, who looked like they were going to steal him; then he observes that the boys, without apparent motive, run away in terror.  


  Then I make the comment of what I observe and it is when we realize that they were angels, represented in those powerful animals. Or at least it was our explanation. 

In my humble opinion the angels do exist, I have more personal events as well as other people that confirm them that I will tell you at other times.  



I do believe that angels do exist. They are our guards.
I'd love to hear form you more about the angels

Thanks for your comment.
I also believe in the existence of the angels.

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