
My biggest fear is not that it could potentially create a bigger discrepancy between whales and minnows but that it could curtail all activity in general on the site...

The potential cycle could look something like this:

  1. First people vote less because of the voting power changes
  2. Minnows get less votes then they are already receiving now so they leave
  3. Everyone gets less votes per post so they post less
  4. People reply less because no votes will be spent on replys
  5. Less posts + less votes + less replies = the site slowly fading into nothing as there is no more activity

This is the extreme negative view, but we won't know for sure the effects until several weeks after it's implemented... hopefully by then it is not too late...

Well, less posts wouldn't be such a bad thing if it meant better ones were created....

I feel that assessment is spot on (altho this project will help!), and do hope for some adjustments if what you predict are the final results. I hope to be one that "digs in" however. Posting good work, commenting, and building a following is the "job" here. It's work, more so than the lottery now, is all.

Yep, and that isn't really my prediction. It is more of a possible outcome. I don't really think that will happen, but it is certainly possible. The bottom line is that no one knows for sure the outcome of these changes...

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