Time to Work - Written by Dr. Maizo.

in #curie6 years ago

Foto Portada.jpg

one morning

It was 5 minutes to 6:00 in the morning, my eyes opened as if an internal alarm clock had activated them, I looked at the phone and immediately got up. Like every morning I took a shower and brushed my teeth and then shaved and changed. When I opened the closet it was so obvious that I was a doctor that from side to side I saw only uniforms, surgical suits and gowns. I chose a beige one that day, and as I put on my shoes to braid them the voice of my stomach roared for some toast with jam and coffee. Probably for anything really, but it wasn't a bad idea when I thought about it.

As the last one ended, the kitchen clock slid in at about 6:44 am, so I drank the rest of the coffee fast and started my vehicle to get to the hospital. I remember that traffic was so scarce that it caused me to speed up as the morning air cooled my face, but to confess it here would be a crime, so I was very slow and cautious. Once I parked I could see how the sun began to move very slowly over the windows on the top floor, if you detailed, you could tell that it moved as if it caressed every inch with its light of life.



In the Hospital

Room 3-16 was lit up as I looked out of the parking lot and Juan came out of the bathroom to look out the window and see the day of his surgery arrive. He was happy because he had already been hospitalized for a fractured collarbone due to an accident in his car for a week, and to him he seemed to have been in pain for about 3 months, with paperwork to do and deep sadness.

I walked down the aisles and as I greeted my colleagues I could feel my robe waving evenly, firmly and decisively. From the pockets came goniometers (special rules for measurements), pens of all kinds, pencils, keys, among others. Juan would get dressed and his nurse would write down his last vital signs before opening the door and moving him to the elevator on a generic white stretcher (witness to so many stories).



Winter is coming

I got to the operating room and the cold invaded the pores of my skin, the dressing room was colder than ever and the surgical monkey was soaking in my warmth as I put on my hat for the occasion. Juan entered while the main doors of the operating room opened at the same time and the nurse announced his arrival. As soon as he regained courage for such a brutal psychological shock in an area never seen in person if not just by TV series or movies, he raised his head and saw his surgeon.

A long wolf on one side of my hat preached "winter is coming" while I finished putting on my gloves, and with the desire and encouragement in full swing I could see Juan directly in the eyes.... Although his insecure gaze was filled with a little fear, he could see in me the necessary confidence and then hear with great relief that he fell asleep: "Everything will work out wonderfully, my friend".


If you need recommendations or help in orthopedic surgery and traumatology do not hesitate to contact me.

Dr. Leopoldo Maizo - Orthopedic Surgeon

If you want to read more see my page:

firma steemit @drmaizo.png

Firma diseñada por @themonkeyzuelans, contáctalos vía Discord "themonkeyzuelans#9087"

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://drmaizo.com/2018/09/01/time-to-work-written-by-dr-maizo/


You are doing great work there. Never let an monotonous routine or minor inconveniences get in the way...
Even across the other side of the world, i can see you are doing good...
Enjoy it while you can and still do the job... In the future you will look back with fond memories..

Thank you very much @preppervetuk , your words of encouragement are well received, you're a great person and I'm sure the world will give you that back with great rewards. I hope you get a big brotherly hug from this side of the world.

Impresionante y admirable, como un joven estudiante de medicina solo dire eso.

Gracias amigo, éxito en tu carrera. Abrazos desde Maracay.

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