I take you through my photography in the Dolomites - Fairy tales exist! - Paneveggio Park

in #curie6 years ago

For months I had wanted to go hiking in the Dolomites, so last week I said:

The weather is beautiful, it's the right day!

From where I live it took about three hours because at a certain point the navigator of the car made me go wrong!

The part of the Dolomites that I have visited is from the Trentino Alto Adige region.
For me it was the first time, I did not know that area!

I had to go to the Paneveggio Park, a natural park of 40000 hectares. The closer I got closer, the more the feeling of amazement grew.

When it was half an hour before arrival, I had to park the car to photograph the mountains I had around! Wow !!



They are the "Pale di San Martino", the peak pèiù alta reaches almost 3200 meters above sea level!


I was fighting against myself, I would have been there looking at them for hours !! But there was a lot to see!


The weather conditions were perfect!
I had chosen the right day for the excursion!


I parked the car in the park parking lot and decided to eat something at that table over there!
What good was it!
There were 18 degrees in the sun and the feeling of well being I felt was inexplicable!

Come and visit these areas, it's worth it !!


I chose a path that I saw on the map and I walked.


I entered the woods and it was hard not to believe I was in a fairy tale!


I knew that nearby there was a nature reserve with deer... in fact, after a while 'I walked... it was there!


I've never seen a deer so close.
I tried to make as little noise as possible!
How beautiful!
What an elegant and noble animal!


After a few seconds the deer continues in the woods and I decide to go on with the excursion.
I was so happy!

I hear the sound of water, like the sound of a stream.
I approach and are facing a suspension bridge! Wonderful!
I love adventure!!!


At every step the bridge went up and down, swaying.
At first it was strange, it was a feeling of shiver, but I knew I was safe.

In the middle of the bridge I looked down and was amazed.
The photo does not make the idea!


What a beautiful waterfall, it is called Forra del Travignolo. One last photo and then I continued the walk!


I went back into the "fairy" wood: D


The path was wonderful and pleasant to walk!
The light filtered through the trees and there was little lack of that magical atmosphere turning me into an elf: D


At the end of the forest you could see a wide lawn, I did not know what was there... it was water...


I stopped to check the map available to visitors trying to resist the feeling of rushing to see the body of water...


I approach... here it is, the Lake of Paneveggio! Wonderful!
I really thought I was in a fairy tale!

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I move a little 'to see that landscape from a different perspective... I was speechless!!


I had to go on, there was still a way to go!


At one point I managed to take a path that led me to the village of Paneveggio.


As I walk through the village I see a beautiful fountain carved in wood and the photographer!


You like it? In my opinion it is beautiful!
Another element that seems to come out of a fairy tale! :D


When I'm almost at the car, I see these peaks and I found them somehow interesting, so I photographed them! :)


While driving the car to go home, I had to stop because there were landscapes too beautiful not to be photographed!


I also tried to make a sepia version, do you like it ??


I always wanted to stop, the landscape changed all the time and the light spread in a magical way!

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Arrived at this other point I was amazed! I laughed alone like a fool! :D


The sun was setting and a perfect day was ending!


I'm finishing writing the post and looking at the photos have been reminiscent of the beautiful feelings.
I hope through this post to have shown you a taste of the beauty of the Dolomites, a UNESCO world heritage.
They deserve to be seen at least once in life.
Do it.

Thanks to all the people who follow me, if you have appreciated let me know, I would really like it!

I wish everyone a beautiful day !!


This was so easy to upvote!

Amazing photos and cool journey. Nice that the same deer is in your photos as on the info sign...

Stunning photos! That has to be one of the prettiest places on earth!

Thank you! They are beautiful, indescribable places!

I really appreciated the photos, I probably would have liked it more if it was in two or three separate posts.

Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you like the photos!
At the beginning I wanted to divide the post into 2, but then I made one.

Amazing photos ! So clear and beautifully taken <3 Gorgeous, gorgeous post <3

Thanks, I'm glad you like them, it took time to process them 😃

Beautiful! The Dolomites are amazing and you caught the light perfectly! Every picture is sublime and I am SO jealous of that day you had. It truly looks like it was perfect.

Thanks for the comment!
I'm glad you enjoyed it, I can not wait to go back! Here it's raining. Today I wanted to explore other places, always in the Dolomites ... I hope next week the weather will be nice 😃

Si, sono posti fantastici!

Wow! your images are truly amazing, you have a great eye for taking stunning shots :-)

Happy Friday.

Thanks, the place was perfect for making great shots! 😉
I already have in mind the place for the next excursion!

There is indeed so much out there to capture, I think @steepshot and @steemit has re-instilled the desire to take notice of what is all around us.

Thank you, for the comment, I appreciate it very much!!

Pleasure, have an awesome week.

Reading your post, I felt I also had a walk (although a much shorter one) in this stunningly beautiful Paneveggio Park.
Good thing you didn't turn into an elf in those woods! Although they do look magical :D The autumn light in your pictures is just so warm and gentle. It certainly looks like you had a perfect day!

Thanks for the nice comment!
You come often to italy?
I remember you've already been to Venice and Padua!

Yes, I've been to Italy a number of times, I absolutely love it! But I can't say that it's a regular destination for me, it always depends on other travel plans as well :)
But if I could, I'd definitely visit every corner of Italy!

I'm glad you liked Italy, you're always welcome!

Awesome photos :)

Thank you so much! :)

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