Curator Team Application - May 2022 - [Lifestyle] by Team "Cosmopolitan"

in #curatorteamapplication2 years ago (edited)


Respected Steemit Team,

I'd like to avail this opportunity of applying for the Community Curation Initiative which has been running successfully for the past three months. I have managed to form a very competitive team and as their representative, I'd to present the application for the theme:

Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, travel...


For this application, I'd start off with the most important thing, and that is, introducing my team members:

MembersCountryLanguage(s)Joining Date
@envengTurkeyTurkish, EnglishDec-17
@frankingcolVenezuelaSpanish, EnglishJul-21
@fombaeCameroonEnglish, FrenchJul-20
@huzaifanaveed1PakistanEnglish, Urdu, GermanApr-21
@nadiaturrinaIndonesiaIndonesian, EnglishFeb-21
@strecozaUkraineUkrainian, Russian, EnglishJan-17
@YrmalezaArgentinaSpanish, EnglishDec-17


After a brief introduction of my team, I'd like to present their steem history, their roles and their details which makes our team a competitive team:

Team Members
Steemit Career
@enveng 🔹an active Lifestyle and Travel Blogger.
🔹active member of World of Xpilar.
🔹Environmental Engineer.
@fombae🔹Moderator Steemit Cameroon
🔹greeter helper in Newcomers community.
🔹Web Developer.
@frankingcol 🔹active blogger on steemit
🔹theologian by profession
🔹a professional swimmer.
@huzaifanaveed1 🔹Steemit Best Author 2021
🔹World Smile Project Pakistan's Leader
🔹Pakistan's first and only 5x Dolphin.
🔹Runs Steemit Promotion and different charity campaigns.
@nadiaturrina 🔹Mod Steem Women Club
🔹Steemit Wonder Women Magazine Initiator.
🔹Steemit F&D Magazine Initiator.
🔹Steemit Travel Magazine Initiator.
@strecoza 🔹Managing Steemit Contest community.
🔹Active user of Stand With Ukraine community.
@yrmaleza 🔹 Professional Pastry Chef.
🔹Moderator of Recreative Steem Community.


The most important element currently on steemit is to work towards a healthy growth of this platform. There are multiple ways of doing that but the most effective one is to build your steem power. To showcase my team's determination towards powering up, I'd like to present the current club status and their steem power.

UsersClub StatusSteem Power
@frankingcol#club752 x Dolphin
@huzaifanaveed1#club1005 x Dolphin
@nadiaturrina#club1004 x Dolphin

Collectively we have three Dolphins, one 2 x Dolphin, one 4 x Dolphin, one 5 x Dolphin, and one Minnow. My team consists of three members from #club100, three from #club75, and a single member from #club5050. With being fully committed to powerups, the #club75 members are marching towards #club100 members as soon as possible.


Why would we make a good curation team?

Team "Cosmopolitan" refers to a group of individuals who are spread all over the world. We have absolute diversity in our team which would make us effective while curating posts in different languages, and of different countries. We have members who can speak a set of different languages which include; English, Urdu, Indonesian, French, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish, and German.

Furthermore, we are all experts and professionals in the theme that we have decided.

@huzaifanaveed1 is a dentist himself and has vast experience and knowledge regarding the health of people. Furthermore, he is an active lifestyle blogger and has good skills.

@nadiaturrina dotes on gardening and has good command over blogging on topics related to lifestyle.

@enveng is extremely passionate about traveling as we are all witnesses of her Istanbul diaries and her different travel experiences.

@fombae has been blogging on steemit for over a very long period now which gives him a good command over different sorts of blogs

@frankingcol is a professional swimmer and is a sports maniac.

@yrmaleza is a professional chef which gives her an upper hand in this niche whereas @strecoza has a good experience of lifestyle-related blogs.


How will we ensure that our curation will have a wide reach?

Old learned men say, that people who learn from other people's experiences and failures have the highest probability of being successful. That is what I have done. For the past three months, I have been carefully observing the duration of all the teams. I learned from all of the previous teams, and I am confident enough to mention that the plan we have will ensure that our curation will have an extensively wide reach.

We have divided curation amongst seven team members over seven days of the week. Each member will curate on a specific day and not only that, each user will be curating a primary tag chosen by them and a secondary tag as well. We will make sure that there's absolute transparency while curating posts all over the world. This will expand our reach and will benefit the users from different communities as well as different countries. Furthermore, only those posts adding value to the platform will be curated. The posts will have to be strictly #steemexclusive and plagiarism free. The tags have already been decided between the users and they are as follows:

MembersPrimary TagSecondary Tag


How will we ensure there will be no voting on Plagiarized Posts?

Plagiarism is frowned upon on steemit, as it should be. All the members of team "Cosmopolitan" are strong advocates of #steemexclusive posts. The good thing about being in touch with users who are actively fighting against plagiarism on this platform is that you can ask for their help anytime you find Plagiarized content. We would be tagging @endingplagiarism whenever we find a plagiarized blog. Only the posts, complying with the rules of #club5050 and so on will be curated.

Apart from that, in this era of technology, we have multiple sites which can help us in detecting plagiarism. We will scrutinize thoroughly each post through and smallseotools



We all are determined and have complete belief in the efficacy of each member. We will make sure that no rules are violated by our team and that we comply with all the guidelines presented for the community curation teams. Thank you for reading our application, we look forward to your announcement.

Team "Cosmopolitan"


Maravilloso equipo muy bien conformado, pienso que harán un excelente trabajo todos juntos en el área de lifestyle

Les deseo el mejor de los éxitos a Todos

Holaaaa, gracias Grace
Definitivamente es muy equilibrada la conformación del equipo Cosmopolitan
Estamos felices con nuestra postulación
Gracias por este apoyo constante

Thanks for the support @graceleon
We will give our best together

We appreciate your support.

Nice team combination, my best wishes @nadiaturrina and@fombae

Thanks for the support dear

You're welcome 🤗

A team with great diversity but with the same vision. We sincerely want to be able to provide the best service to the best publications.

Our personal experience makes us professionals in the corresponding areas, being very detailed to choose.

Much success team..!

The best of the best

Gran equipo que se presenta como cosmopolitan. El éxito ya es de ustedes. Felicitaciones por esta maravillosa iniciativa.

Gracias, hermosa amiga... amén a eso!!!
Es una iniciativa que aspira apoyar a todos los buenos bloggers que bien lo merecen
ejemplo de ellos, tú xD

We appreciate your support.

Fantástico equipo son Geniales Todos, estoy segura que harán un gran trabajo. Les. Deseo la Mayor de la Suerte a Todos ❣️❣️💫💫💫

Muchas gracias amiga preciosa
Tu apoyo significa mucho para nosotros

Thanks for the support @decuartae

A hug friend, I wish you many successes

Excelente Equipo! Harán un gran trabajo por su profesionalismo y trayectoria.

Les deseo el mejor de los exitos.

Gracias Ana, qué apoyo tan bello de mi comunidad Hispana... me siento orgullosa xD

Thanks for the support, my dear friend
Your support make me more excited

We appreciate your support. Thanks

Very good team, good luck competing

Gracias, amigo querido... el éxito será para todos, incluyéndolos a ustedes xD
Mi cariño

Thanks my friend

You're welcome

Amo este equipo, tan maravilloso, personajes que admiro, amigos encantadores y mujeres extraordinarios. Mis mejores deseos de éxitos ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Mi vidaaa, gracias!!!
Una vez más ratificando que en la variedad está el gusto
Esperamos ganar para apoyar a nuestros fieles usuarios
Bendiciones amiga

Thanks for the support dear

Un equipo equilibrado, profesional y con alto grado de implicación, dedicación y disciplina dentro de la plataforma!

tengo constancia de que son personas activas dentro de steemit y siempre prestos a aclarar y apoyar a los usuarios!! cuenten con mi apoyo!!!

Te lo agradecemos querido Will... es muy importante que la comunidad sea quien dé de de ello...
Ciertamente, en este equipo hay gente de compromiso y lealtad con nuestra blockchain
Un abrazo enorme

What a comment reply
Thanks for the support

Cosmopolitan is a remarkable team that brings together energetic and active Steemians with different interests from all over the world ⭐️ I believe we will do a good job when given the chance 🤗🌿🌍🍕🏀

Good luck to our dynamic team "Cosmopolitan"💥

Indeed, it's a remarkable team.

I believe we will do a good job when given the chance

Absolute right, our expectations are high too

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