Application for the community curators for July 2024 | Steem Spark team

in #curatorapplicationlast month (edited)


Dear Community, Dear Steemit Team!

I once suggested to the Steemit team that they try to choose individual curators, that is, that only one person manages one curator account. And when such an opportunity appeared, I realized that I would not use it. First of all, I have wonderful and reliable teammates who are always ready to lend a helping hand. Secondly, with the introduction of new rules, that is, the cancellation of almost all rules, it has become more difficult for me personally to curate. I have a much larger selection of posts to read. I need to adequately evaluate each post, and not adhere to the accepted scheme of distribution of voting power. All this requires additional time. Therefore, a unanimous decision was made in our team that we will submit an application with an unchanged composition.

Who are we?

Our team consists of:

@soulfuldreamerPakistan5050Urdu, Punjabi, English
@o1ehUkraine5050Ukrainian, English, Russian

And now we will briefly tell about ourselves:



I am 42 years old and I joined the platform in October 2020, I have been a curator on several occasions and I am a moderator in Comunidad Latina and Shine With Steem, since a year ago I am a Steem Representative, and I am willing to work with these new changes proposed by @steemitblog.



I joined this platform in October 2023 and have been an active user ever since. I just completed my first Dolphin Club achievement. I write and read different genres and enjoy engaging with various users. I have no problem interacting with users who speak languages other than English, as I make use of translation tools. In fact, I love reading about different origins. Additionally, I am a moderator in Dream Steem and have been actively posting and engaging in this community.



My STEEM story started in July 2021. As an author, I was formed in the WORLD OF XPILAR community.After the creation of the Ukrainian community, I also began to actively write there. In addition, I am interested in popular science topics, so I also write in the Popular STEM community and sometimes in the Dream Steem community. I am a moderator of the WORLD OF XPILAR community.

Why us?

Our team is not just made up of users from different countries, we are from different parts of the world. I'm from Europe, @karianaporras is from South America and @soulfuldreamer is from Asia. I hope this will allow us to cover as wide a geography of authors as possible.

We have different interests and different educations, which means that we will be able to cover a large number of posts.

After all, the experience of the past month has shown that we work well together, which is very important in teamwork.

The key stats of each team member

UsernameOwn SPCSIReputation
Total SP108,655




  • no delegations


The three subject tags our team would most like to curate

  • #thediarygame (I would include #life here as well). The diary theme is the most popular on the platform. Here people share their lives and here you can find real sincere and uninvented stories, here you can get to know people and their lifestyle, learn more about them. Diaries are what allow people to share their experiences on a daily basis and make Steemit more like a social network.

  • #art. Hundreds of people share their creations on Steemit every day. Many of them are undeservedly overlooked. Here I mean not only artists and photographers, but also writers. Steemit can be a great showcase for displaying artwork.

  • #food. What do each of us do every day? What can't we avoid in our life? It's definitely food. We cook every day, we eat every day, we want to share different dishes. In addition, content about cooking can be useful from a practical point of view.

It is difficult to limit yourself to only three topics. What about #travel, #animals, #health and many more? But rules are rules, that's why we focused on three topics

We hope to continue to act for the benefit of the growth and development of the community. After all, it is the curators who are responsible for what content the authors will be interested in creating.

Best regards,


Thank you so much, @o1eh, for this application. I know you are very busy, but you are such a good teammate. You are always open to discussion and our inputs. I want to take this opportunity to thank you. I'm really grateful and lucky to have worked with you in this capacity.

Coming to the tags:


It's the most used tag. We could try to be different and embrace a lot of "thinking outside the box" approaches. But if we talk about being practical, we can't ignore this tag. No - it's not an option. Sometimes, there are really good posts under these tags.

On Google Sheets, I can't help but group these posts under other tags like life, creative writing, and many others. As I have mentioned before, I have nothing against this tag. In fact, I have used it on an occasion or two myself. Of course, my diary was entirely on another tangent.

In a nutshell, this tag can't be ignored. Even if we try to drop it, another tag with similar momentum will appear in a month or two. So, there's nothing wrong with including this tag, but we have to look for other tags in that post to find the unique element.


We can definitely levarage with this one. Arts- it comes in all forms


Again, there is so much potential. It's not just about recipes and techniques; food is an incredibly vast and varied topic. I'm eager to see how people will use this tag in new and unexpected ways, exploring angles that haven't been considered before.

Here's to hoping for the best possible outcome. I'm feeling very optimistic!

Thank you, I am also very comfortable working with you in the same team 😊

Choosing tags was a very difficult task. This is how I used to work: I would select the tag #steemexclusive and go through all the posts and support the best ones. Then you told me that you rarely use the #steemexclusive tag. At this point I realized I must be missing a lot of content. Now I go to the main Steemit page, select All Posts, and look through each one for the ones worth supporting. Unfortunately, most of the posts are pure garbage and my curation time has more than doubled, but the occasional reward is finding a new author for me.

I am proud of you! I know that you do even more work than necessary to get everything perfect: thank you for that!

Good luck!

What other tags do you find interesting posts in other than the usual cliche tags?

Anything that intrigues me to read the post! I don't care about the tag... But the tag should be the reflection of the post. It shouldn't be abused for vote scoring. Play with it however you like, just don't abuse it.... 😉

I think you made the right call at the end of the day @o1eh :) I think in these situations it definitely lightens the load when you have team mates supporting you along the way. Curating is hard enough and having specific guidelines to follow etc. etc. adds to that level of responsibility quite a lot. Plus, it is probably more fun doing it as a team!

I know that both you and @soulfuldreamer are invaluable additions to this platform - in more ways than one and now you have also introduced me to @karianaporras who I have just given a follow too :)

Wishing you three the very best with the application and HAPPY HUMP DAY too :)

Thank you @jaynie

I know one thing for sure: it was and is not an easy job. You know what? A no-rules approach shifts the weight onto your conscience. Argh. Things are simpler when there are rules, but then there is no fun in it. Without fun, Steemit doesn't—and shouldn't—work like this. So yeah, I hope you get what I'm saying. Anyways, thanks for all the super nice words :)

Let's see how things roll...

During all this time, I realized that working in a team is much more fun, especially if you have reliable teammates. In addition, each of us can vote for a certain number of authors, a person is always limited to a certain circle of communication. When we are in a team, the number of covered authors is much larger.

Thank you for your sincere wishes 😀

Good luck to you all!

Dear @o1eh - could you let your wife know that I left her a message under one of her older posts (in case she hasn't seen it yet...) - thank you!

Good luck friend

Thank you 🙂

@karianaporras, @soulfuldreamer, @o1eh

Best of luck to everyone. A nice combination respected ones...

Thank you 🙂

@karianaporras @soulfuldreamer @o1eh Good luck to everyone. Hopefully you will get selection for the upcoming month 🤞


Thank you for your words :)

Hey, you've got a nice small team there. Diverse as well., witch is awesome!
I want to thank you for all your good work, keep it up.
To tell you the truth, I find #travel much more interesting than #food.
Food - we must take to survive while Travel is something that makes us people different from the rest of the animal world, right? :)

I wasn't aware you're curating the #art tag but I am glad to see that as I've been using it, as I am huge fan of the Eight Art ;) Music too, but lately I rarely play my string instruments :)

Have a great day, all!

I wasn't aware you're curating the #art

It's hard for me to say that I curate any particular tag. I go to the main Steemit page, select "All Posts" and dig through a crazy pile of crap 😁.

I want to thank you for all your good work, keep it up.

Thank you for noticing our work, so we didn't do it in vain 🙂

I understand. Moreover, you better not share such info, as suddenly everything will be "art" just to draw curators' attention :))))

Good curation drives up the quality in general so I realize it isn't an easy job to do, not at all...

Have a great one!

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