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RE: How many CAPTCHA's are too many CAPTCHA's? (Part 3 of 3)

in #curation8 years ago

It is simply unrealistic to think people will not use bots. Life is never that black or white.

If you want to encourage people to engage manually then you have to give them some incentive to do that.

Everyone is very busy nowadays so you need to make it worth their while.

One way to do that is to get people engaging through commenting and the recent changes that the team announced should go some way towards doing that.

I don't see the point in trying to come up with bot blocking methods because no matter what you do someone will come up with a way to get round it which will create another level of inequality.

Further it may drive people away from the platform if they are time poor.


It is simply unrealistic to think people will not use bots.

That's not what this would do, so not what this is about.

If you want to encourage people to engage manually then you have to give them some incentive to do that.

That's what this is about.

That assumes that people are using bots because of curation rewards. I would suggest that is a false assumption.

Further why would you be using Captchas if you don't want to get rid of bots? That makes no sense in the first place.

I agree with this statement. For instance, myself (just to pick an example I know), use a bot to automatically upvote people I trust, follow and like (and always before the 30 minute mark). Usually, I am reading their post, but on a second stage. On top of that, I manually curate many posts (actually a good half of my curation is manual). As a result, this also allows me to vote all over the day, which is better to get my voting power rather high all day long. I cannot believe I am the only one acting that way.

I would prefer trying to find a 'solution' (is there really any problem with automatic curation?) in the reverse way: anyone who is manually curate get something back. This being said, I cannot think about the 'what' and 'how'.

Did you read the post ? The purpose would be to give humans a better chance at competing with bots. The captchas would be so infrequent that they wouldn't disable the bots and the incentives are for both curation rewards and distributing author rewards to your preferred authors - the bots have the advantage of both since they don't require living like people do.

I did read the post.

The captchas would be so infrequent that they wouldn't disable the bots

That in itself is nonsensical.

To be frank you might have better luck with a more pleasant tone. You asked for opinions but it seems you don't want to hear anything that doesn't 100% agree with you.

Good luck with that.

You read my tone to be that way. I'm trying not to read yours that way but it comes across equally unpleasant. Please don't think my explaining myself for a second time is unpleasant. If you could read it again I'd like to know what would make you say that.

You don't see sense in it so I'm trying to explain it. A person would be required to answer a captcha to re enable the auto curation. This means auto voting can still occur if a human is awake and also manually curating. Whatever tone you think I have, it was never intended.

Also as you can see there are 3 other commenters who didn't 100% agree with me either... I'm a bit taken aback by your accusation...

You read my tone to be that way. I'm trying not to read yours that way but it comes across equally unpleasant. Please don't think my explaining myself for a second time is unpleasant. If you could read it again I'd like to know what would make you say that.

Suggesting that someone has not read your post is pretty insulting in my book.

You don't see sense in it so I'm trying to explain it.

Further you are assuming that I don't understand what you are saying. I think you are not understanding what I am saying.

A person would be required to answer a captcha to re enable the auto curation. This means auto voting can still occur if a human is awake and also manually curating.

The fact that "auto-curation" is being re-enabled implies that it is was disabled. I also take it you mean "bot" when you say auto curation. How is that not anti-bot?

Even if that is not your intention the end result is that it will be. It is not that I don't understand what you are saying it is more the case that I don't think that will help.

If I am using a bot I want it to get on and do what I have set it to do because it saves me time. I can't be there all day to look after it and fill in a CAPTCHA every x number of votes. That defeats the whole purpose.

An incentive that makes it more attractive to curate manually should not penalise those that don't. Why - because they may be the same people at different times of the day.

Anyway I doubt we are going to agree on this so I will just leave it there.

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