Pimp Your Post Thursday (PYPT) Monthly Points Contest -- ANNOUNCEMENT with FAQ

in #curation5 years ago (edited)

The Pimp Your Post Monthly Points Contest is a regular part of PYPT now.

I did a soft rollout during July and August. I think I’ve decided on a format that works using those two months to work through kinks. If more arise, I’ll work them out going forward and put out an updated post.

PYPT takes place on Thursdays in The Ramble discord serverat 11am & 7pm EDT / 3pm & 11pm UTC. Participants earn SHADE tokens during the month, accumulating points for each token earned toward winning prizes at the end of the month.


Tokens are earned for presenting posts (yours or others) and for commenting on those posts. Effective September 1st, there will be prizes for:

Top Overall — 1st, 2nd & 3rd

1st. — 7 SBI and a matching award of SHADE for points earned
2nd. — 5 SBI and a matching award of SHADE for 75% of points earned
3rd. — 2 SBI and a matching award of SHADE for 50% of points earned

Top Presenter — 1st, 2nd & 3rd

1st. — 3 SBI and a matching award of SHADE for 25% points earned
2nd. — 2 SBI and a matching award of SHADE for 15% of points earned
3rd. — 1 SBI and a matching award of SHADE for 10% of points earned

Top Commenter — 1st, 2nd & 3rd

1st. — 5 SBI and a matching award of SHADE for 25% points earned
2nd. — 3 SBI and a matching award of SHADE for 15% of points earned
3rd. — 1 SBI and a matching award of SHADE for 10% of points earned

NOTE: A matching amount of the total SHADE awarded each month will be sent to @null to burn them. So, the more points earned by the winners, the more tokens I burn.


About The Contest Purpose

The SHADE token was created to encourage sharing and engagement, particularly on posts shared during Pimp Your Post Thursday.

Pimp Your Post Thursday is the longest running post promotion show on the Steem blockchain. It’s run every Thursday since October 2017. People attending the show present their post link in a text channel and then come onto voice to tell us about the post.

One of the early problems encountered during PYPT was people running out of VP very quickly as they tried to support each post through votes. Comments on posts help to build engagement. The SHADE token rewards both the sharing and the engagement.


How SHADE is Earned

  • Present your own post — earn 2 SHADE
  • Present someone’s post who is not present at PYPT— earn 2 shade. (Note: you can present for someone who is present but the next point doesn’t apply)
  • Go to the post of someone you have presented their post for and tell them you presented their post on PYPT. — earn 2 SHADE (1 additional presentation SHADE and 1 comment SHADE)
  • Visit the posts presented at PYPT and leave a real comment telling the author you found the post on PYPT. — earn 1 SHADE.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I enter the contest?

Show up at PYPT on Thursdays, present posts and then visit the posts and leave comments. If you can’t make it to the show, see #6.

2. I can present the same post at both shows and earn extra points right?

No. The presentation points apply to one presentation. The benefit of presenting the same post at both shows is there is always people who were not present previously who will now see the post.

3. Presenting for an alt account of project of mine is the same as presenting for someone else right?

No. Nice try though. I do welcome you to promote your alt account posts or post for projects of yours. Be honest about your involvement. You really don’t want the wrath of Shadows if she finds out later you were not.

4. Can any post be presented?

Any post you or the other person authored, yes. If the author is on the blacklists, don’t even bother presenting, the points will be disallowed.

Any author on PYPT found to be plagiarizing or copy/pasting others work will be banned once this has been confirmed. PYPT is about those who are contributing content to the platform. That is content which is theirs to contribute.

5. I can’t always get a chance to leave comments on Thursday.

That’s okay. There is a post on the Rambling Radio Forum of links presented at each show. Visit the list when you get a chance, go to the posts, read and comment. Make sure the comment tells the author their post was presented on PYPT. (Be sure to use PYPT in your comment).

NOTE: If you are also going to upvote, be careful to take note if the post is still less than 7 days old. You can comment anytime on a post but voting only goes for 7 days.

6. I couldn’t attend the shows. Can I still participate?

Yes you may. Just visit the Rambling Radio Forum, click the show posts for the links to the posts presented. Visit the posts, read them and leave a comment. Make sure the comment tells the author their post was presented on PYPT. (Be sure to use PYPT in your comment).

7. Any comment is okay?

The comment needs to be real. Comments like ‘nice post’ or ‘will read later’ will be ignored at my discretion. You want the author to appreciate the comment, so leave a comment that takes note of something in the post. That way the author knows you actually read it.

If I see a pattern that makes me think you are leaving a comment just for the points and not because you are engaging with the author, you will find them ignored. Comments are how you and the author get to know each other on the chain.

8. How do you know I made the comment?

AH the magic of getting notices. Have you noticed I’ve said you need to let the person know you saw the post on PYPT? Well the “PYPT” will trigger my Gina notices and I will find the comment. Sometimes I will visit each post and do a search on the page for PYPT to find the comments. Upper or lowercase works, #pypt or @pypt works as well.

9. I left comments but I don’t think I got credit for them.

You need to be sure to use PYPT some where in the comment. As long as you have, I will find it. Sometimes I’m a bit late going through them, but I will get them.

In most cases I will leave a comment thanking you for engaging on the post. My comment lets you know I have recorded your comment point and also helps me avoid recording it more than once.

10. I had already read and commented on a post that was presented.

Feel free to leave a note that you also saw the post at PYPT, especially if the post was presented for the author.

11. When is the cutoff for comments on each week’s posts?

Once the following Thursday rolls around, I stop checking comments on the previous weeks posts. So, that means you have one week from the day the post is presented to visit and leave a comment. Remember, it doesn’t matter if the post has paid out, you can still leave comments.

12. Wont the top three overall just take the other prizes?

Your level of participating will decide that. One area you can really rack up points is taking the time to go through the posts and leave comments. I can see where that could be a real competitive area if people go for it.

Presenting posts of your favourite authors is another area you can earn some extra points and draw attention to them. Letting them know you presented their posts also gives you more points.

So there are ways you can be competitive. It just depends how much you want to participate. Any contest is the same way.

13. I left a post on a this post, a PYPT post or in The Ramble when PYPT wasn’t on. Why did I not get on the list of posts?

Only posts presented during PYPT will be added to the list. If you come in before or after the show and drop a link, it will be deleted. If you drop a link during a show without waiting for your turn, it will be deleted. If you drop links on my posts without being invited to, I’ll use my downvotes.

14. When will winners be announced?

At the end of each month I’ll finalize the list I’ve kept all month and issue a winners announcement post. At the same time the prizes will be distributed.


I think I’ve got things covered here. If not, ask in the comments and I’ll see if I need to update the post. PYPT is a fun time each week. For all the ‘structure’ you have read here, we’re pretty laid back and have great conversations during the shows.

So, come on over and join in.

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Until Next Time — Just Steem on

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I didnt see this post on PYPT, @pypt #pypt

i guess we'll have to see if it is presented eh.

Here is a free 100% upvote from @contestkings that has a balance of 35,000 SP + 10,500 PAL + 495,000 SPT + 50,000 BATTLE +55,000 NEOXAG.

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