Why All The Chaos and Problems in The World is a Good Sign! The Birth of Humanity: To The Next Paradigm!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

Take a look at the picture below.

What do you see?

What do you feel?

Interesting, eh?

I want to share an analogy that has helped me to cope with the pain and suffering I notice in our world today.

Death is Birth: A birth of our new culture

This is a thought that ejected me from my apathetically-depressive perspective about our present paradigm. Prior to this idea, all I could think of was violence and revolution (maybe it was my military past.) Seeing no hope for humanity, I was too discouraged to take any action at all. So much so, that I refused to even entertain the thought of bringing children into this world as I didn't want them to be born into this traumatic culture. This analogy wasn't a one off paradigm-shifting realization but it was the catalyst to see the world more beautifully. Today, 5 years later, I'm living in a world I hardly recognize. I feel a love, a passion and excitement for my life, our world and our collective future that I would have ridiculed before.

This story begins as most stories do, at the start!


Birth: A World in Darkness

Come, take a journey with me... back to our mothers' wombs. Imagine floating weightlessly in a warm, inviting, loving embrace; a blanket from your mother. A nurturing tether from her, attached to you provides all of your needs. Effortlessly, you float there in this life-giving place, taking, accepting, absorbing for yourself so you can grow. The more you grow the more you take. This continues throughout gestation and the mother relentlessly gives.

This world is the only one you've ever known; there's no monsters or demons, nor dangers (that you can tell) of any sort. All there is, is you. Inside your mother, you (your cells) are growing at an exponential rate. Unknown to you, your mother adapts to provides everything you need, shifting her lifeforce to feed you! Life is good, life is easy...

Days go on, and you gain more insight, your senses develop, you begin to hear - a sensation you have never experienced before. As yet more days go by you begin to notice these arms and legs are wanting to move; you stretch, kick and jerk them around as you test your new boundaries. You continue to grow, moving towards your ultimate potential. Life is good, this is fun!

But then!

One day you wake up, (Do you wake up? What is 'sleeping' and 'wake' at this point?) and suddenly your world is not so big. Where once you were able to move freely and easily, now you're pushing against boundaries, you're beginning to feel resistance.

You get restless, and a bit nervous.

What is happening?

The world starts caving in around you in massive waves of pressure bearing down upon your very being.

You are trapped.

Your once life-giving world has become a hell! This wonderful world that had been so supportive, simple and wonderful is now toxic. Over and over these waves crash against you, squeezing you down. Down where?


Just when you begin to think theres no hope left and the weight of your entire world comes crashing down on you, you see some light. You struggle for the light as you slowly squeeze through the gap at the bottom. You are finally freed as you burst out in a bath of blood and feces into a completely new paradigm.

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*Yes, that says 'love'.

A Mothers Gift, Pain and Sacrifice

A few points about our mothers:

Birth irreversibly altered our mothers physically; her hips widened, breasts engorged, hormones adjusted and bellies expanded (sometimes with scars left over).

She endured the pains of our 'exploration' as we kicked around inside her. The annoyance of us pushing up against her bladder and other organs as we multipled and grew.

I'm sure any mothers reading this would feel as if I underplayed the intense changes. I assure you that is not my intent. :)

If our mothers were to remain pregnant past typical gestation period, eventually it would end up killing her! If we would have been birthed too soon, we wouldn't have been prepared for this new paradigm and would have died. However, our births took place, sometimes a bit early, sometimes a bit late.

Some of us came out screaming, kicking and crying.

Some of us came out with a serenity of a zen monk.

Through pain, sacrifice and trauma, our mothers were able to bring new life into this world and completely shift the paradigm of the beings she was carrying!

She created life at just the right time, when we were ready for our new world.

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As Above, So below: An Interlude

I'm going to switch away from the analogy real quick to explain something that I believe is critical for the next part.

Have you ever heard of fractals? It's basically our science's conception of the philosophical doctrine of "as above, so below". If you zoom into a point in this image the image will repeat itself over, and over and over, for infinity (so it's said). Check out this great short video demonstrating:

I believe that what happens at one scale is repeated at larger scales. There are trillions of organisms living in and on the human body (as if we are earths ourselves). Think, atoms and solar systems :)



With this thought in mind I like to look at all of humanity as one symbiotic organism. For sometime our culture has been dividing selves (cells) expanding on our mother, taking everything from her, sucking the energy literally from within her and using this life (minerals, oil, water, trees, etc) to grow and develop as one large organism! Some people call humans a parasite, I like to think of us as a baby; a baby preparing for a new paradigm!

We grew.

We're developing neurons and a nervous system (internet) in order relay energy (information) through our whole organism.

We're developing our collective brain, as we build sattelites, databases and countless other technologies to better understand our whole being.

We grew veins (trains, planes, boats and vehicles) to transport matter across our entire being.

Have you ever watched a city from space. Each day is like a heart beat, as all the blood (cars) come into the heart (city) each morning and pump back out again each night.

Our collective minds matured as we grew and developed the largest stores of knowledge our culture has ever known.

We're growing fast.

We're getting restless and kicking (sending rockets to other planets) against the boundaries of our womb.

Everywhere we look we find resistance, pressure, the weight of our world bearing down on us.

It is about time.


Human Stem Cells

Human cells/selves: An Interlude Part 2: Return of the Expanded Explaination.

In our bodies, a cell that looks out for its own self-interests by hoarding energy is considered a cancer cell. These cancer cells grow and accumulate energy and mass for its self. When this cell continues hoarding, it has created a path to the eventual destruction of its self through the destruction of the other, "healthier" selves that constitue the whole being.

Cancer cells die when the body dies... So, cancer cells aren't actually selfish, as they are acutally killing them'selves'.

Our communities and cultures (our meta-bodies) require individualized selves/cells acting in unison for the success and well being of the whole. If we didn't it would be chaos.

In doing so, the self/cell is looking after it's own best interests by looking after the best interests of the whole being (a holistic view).

This way the cell is acting truly selfish and still fulfilling it's own specialized unique roll. In doing so, simple cells (or mere humans) are able to create an organism trillions of times larger than itself.

We are aware.

A cell is aware.

The earth is aware.

And soon it may be possible for us to also be aware of the whole being that we are, and not just the cells/selves we perceive to only be!

This becoming aware of the whole being that we are, is a birth that I believed to be gradually taking place. We have grown into one massive living organism.

Our womb was once so simple and life giving. I remember reading accounts of America by its first non-native explorers discussing the vast abundance of the continent:

"The variety and abundance of wildlife then is almost unimaginable to those of us today." "They could throw a rock in any direction and catch a meal."

When discussing hunter-gatherers:

" The !Kung.(a present culture representing the roots of our cultures) Studies show that hunter-gatherers need only work about fifteen to twenty hours a week in order to survive and may devote the rest of their time to leisure."

It seems as we look around that our world is too small for us. We hear all the time talks of "overpopulation crisis", as we exponentially divide to fill our womb, to grow into our full being.

We are in a time when our once effortlessly life providing womb/mother, is becoming more hostile (climate change, toxic air, poisoned water, food and degraded soils). Humanities incubation period is coming to a birthing point.

Humanities Birth From Mother Earth

When we entered this world our brains had only ever known the womb, it would have been near impossible to imagine the vastness of the world outside the womb.

Our culture will birth (or stillbirth, which I hope to avoid), into a new state of being, a new world that we did not know existed or were blind to as our eyes were sealed and only partially developed.

A time where we enter into new realms of ideas, thoughts, sights, sounds, feelings, and new loves that all did not exist before. It's the process of seeing our world again, for the first time. The possibilities are endless, the experience so frightening and yet, so welcoming.

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We may begin to recognize that our self is no different than a single drop of water is in an ocean. We may laugh at the thought of a single human stem cell having 'conciousness' or determination.

Hubris of man: An interlude: Part 3 A Deeper Thought.

In economic theory, we profess with probabilities how huge groups of people are likely to behave. Our science is not perfect, but it is growing and we are learning that with high probability we are able to predict how humans behave in groups.

The same can be said for quantum particles (as above, so below). We use probabilities to tell how they might behave. But:

"It is impossible to know the velocity and location of an electron at the same"

I would relate this to it is impossible to know the actions and intentions of any one person, nor tell the future trajectory of that person. Even if you can read minds, or communicate with them; oftentimes we ourselves are poor predictors of our own future behaviors.

"The best anyone can hope to do, quantum theory says, is predict the probability that a particle will behave in a certain way."

So. Why is it that we call particles random but purport to humans being the sole dwellers in consciousness?

It would be just as easy for an alien to observe our planet with some massive telescope, and observe all our random (yet predictable) human behaviour!

I propose the whole universe. Down to the singular particle (and the strings that comprise them, and whatever frequency makes up strings...) is inherently conscious.

Back to Birth

On one level we are no less unique, no less different, than the particles that comprise our world. While simultaneously we are unique, important and endowed with consciousness. We are not the same, but we are of the same. We have spent so long in our past life separating our selves from each other, through methods of trying to control our natural world we created a separation that didn't exist before.

We have used this justification of the self to impart our will against the natural world, to bring harm to our Mother and to each other.

I Believe we did/do not know what we were/are doing; just as a baby we were probably unaware of the pain we caused our mother. We have facilitated (through our accumulation of knowledge and technology and technological connection) our ability to transcend our current life, to birth into a new world. Once the illusion of the self melts away, we will see that there is no other and what we do unto each other we actually do unto each of our selves.

Cancer in Remission:

Just as with a cancer cell hoarding energy to its own unintended demise we have those in our culture that unknowingly bring harm to themselves as they hoard energy (money, materials, etc). We see massive cancers in our society today, (one issue crypto-currency is addressing) in finance, politics, and business hoarding energy for unknowingly unselfish (because it will inevitably cause harm to them) motives.

When a cancer is cured it does so one transformed (or killed, depending on the method) cell at a time. What method we choose is up to us! We have the ability to become reborn on an individual level. If there is no discrete self, what happens individually, happens on the collective level. So that each person who becomes reborn, is bringing humanity one degree closer to the light (the other side of the womb)!

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I don't believe this cancer is going to prevent our birth from taking place. It just may leave us a bit deformed on the way out if we don't treat it.

Rays of Light:

Imagine the spirit of abundance we must of felt as children. Life was (is) so simple, pure, exciting, we were always provided for (at lease we could have been in a healthy society). We were systematically engineered to believe a false story, our education, corporate interests, and our cultures fixation on control dominated our lives and told us a story of scarcity, fear, competition and greed, not only about the world but of ourselves. However, we are beginning to realize the illusion we've been sold and we are collectively dissolving the cultures of old.

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We Are Birthing

As I write this sitting in my home in Bali (as I converse instantly with cells/selves on the other side of our body/world). I study a neuron (my computer) where I see steemit tabs of blogs written by people on creating a new world. Filled with beautiful thoughts on spirituality, gardening, plant medicine , permaculture, the Ascent of Humanity, fitness, beauty, etc. All these selves, instantly and seamlesses connecting with each other; sharing ideas and discussing solutions to move humanity forward. We are succeeding, ideas are spreading, we're connecting now more than ever before. We are ready to birth into the new world!

So, with this. I have decided to not devote a single ounce of energy correcting the problems of our present paradigm. Rather I'm going to focus my whole energy on birthing (creating) the new paradigm that will replace this once we birth!

For me, this has helped me look at all the chaos happening today as signs of a birth about to happen. Hopefully, this analogy brings you the peace and courage to move forward into our new world!


I tried as hard as I could to make this shorter. This idea has taken years to develop and would be near impossible to condense and still convey the message.

In essense, don't fret too much about what is happening in our world. Let's focus our energy on transistioning our current paradigm into the one we wish to be in, a more beautiful world :)


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