Reporting on my first week of curation with the steemcurator07 account

in #curation4 years ago

Here is a weekly report on my curation activities with the @steemcurator07 account as-of May 10


As discussed in Inaugural round of Steem Community Curation: I'm driving steemcurator07!, this week marked the beginning of my activities as a Steem Community Curator. I got off to a slow start due to email lag during the key exchange, but began curator activities on May 2.

For the first couple days, there was a lot of fruitless time spent looking for #steemexclusive content, and I didn't vote anywhere near as much as I would have liked to. After a discussion in comments with @steemcurator01, I also began voting on non-exclusive content with a lower voting percentage.

One thing that I'm very happy to see is that the #steemexclusive tag has been gaining in use. This is a great way for content creators to bring their posts to the attention of the Community Curators, so I recommend it for anyone who is creating exclusive content for the Steem blockchain. It can be used in conjunction with any community and any other tags. The only restriction is that it should only be used for content that is unique to the Steem blockchain. (for the record, I did not launch that tag. I learned about it from @whatsup, but I think it's a really good idea.)

Statement of Goals

I began to explain my goals in my application post, but as time passes, they are evolving. As-of now, my goals are to:

  • Support posts in Steem's Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) communities, including SteemSTEM, STEMGeeks, and a newly created community, Popular STEM.
  • Support posts in STEM related Steem categories, including (but not limited to): stem, science, technology, math, and mathematics.
  • Support posts in Steem's Classical Music community.
  • Support posts in Steem's classical-music related categories, including (but not limited to): classical-music, and secretsfororganplaying
  • Support other posts as permitted by voting power.
  • Maintain voting power in the range between 70-90%

Additionally, I am using up to 1 up-vote per day in hopes of encouraging discussion in my Curating the Internet series of posts. Rewards from those posts are shared with other Steem authors, and with the authors of relevant replies to the posts.

If you reply to any of the posts in this series with substantive commentary, you may be eligible for a tip that's carved out of the author rewards when the post pays out.

How Well Were Goals Met?

At the beginning of the week, these goals were not met well at all. I was simply not finding enough exclusive Steem content to maintain active voting. After I started including non-exclusive content in my efforts, I've been getting better at it. I hope to continue improving as time goes on.

I will attach comments to this post with a record of all of the posts that I've voted for this week. I'm not sure if Steemit lets me decline payouts in comments, but if it does I'll try to remember to do so. If you are looking for authors to follow and support, you may wish to browse through the list.

Looking Ahead

A couple easy ways that, as a content creator, you can help me help you.

  1. Create content that is unique for the Steem blockchain and use the #steemexclusive tag to make it easier to find.
  2. Reply to any of the posts in my Curating the Internet series with a relevant and substantive comment in order to potentially receive a share of the author rewards when the post pays out (there is no upvote or resteem requirement).
  3. As noted in last week's post, if you see a STEM or Classical Music post that is exclusive to Steem and deserves curation, please feel free to leave a comment here. I don't promise an upvote, but I promise I'll do my best to look through all suggestions.


I'd like to say thank you to Steemit for the opportunity to curate with @steemcurator07. I hope the overall community curator initiative will help make the blockchain a better place, and I'm glad for the opportunity to play a small part in the project.

CC: @roadofrich, @canna-curate, @greece-lover, @project.hope, @stef1, @wherein

Thank you for your time and attention.

As a general rule, I up-vote comments that demonstrate "proof of reading".

Steve Palmer is an IT professional with three decades of professional experience in data communications and information systems. He holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics, a master's degree in computer science, and a master's degree in information systems and technology management. He has been awarded 3 US patents.

Steve is also a co-founder of the Steem's Best Classical Music Facebook page, and the @classical-music steemit curation account.

Follow in RSS: @remlaps, @remlaps-lite


I've been forgetting to use the tag also, thanks for reminding me.

I also try to curate it at least once a week or so.

Thank you for curating!

Do you not think that -just possibly- trying to make 'steemexclusive' a 'thing' on a social media platform - with pitiful user and retention rate, and where everyone posts everywhere on the net, is a little bit like urinating into a head wind and not expecting to get wet?
I see problems with the leader attitude of 'it's us only - or expect no upvotes', kinda thing..

Thanks for the report! I am in the same boat as you with the Steem exclusive content. But luckily there are some die hard Canna fans, and are doing just that. I may start voting on the cross posts a little more, just to show them we care, and we do not want them to leave entirely. But of course at a lower %.

Good work. Thanks for your service to the community.

Great work done @remlaps, you Guys have been doing excellent job curating our work freely. Thanks for your daily offer.

This post has been rewarded by the Steem Community Curation Project. #communitycuration04

Thank you for your effort!

Thank you for all your work with the curating Steve.

And thank you for trialing your two level reward idea.

This first month of the Community Curation project is all about learning.

Thank you

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