Another milestone reached: 1,000 Steem Power earned through curation only

in #curation5 years ago

Hi there my Steemian friends and followers!

I am known to be a kind of numbers & stats freak and since I just reached another important quantifiable milestone here on Steem, it comes as no surprise that I want to share it with you :)

So what exactly happened? Well, maybe nothing really special for most people but to me, earning 1,000 Steem Power on curation rewards only is a huge thing and I am really excited about it!


It is no secret that curation has become a very lucrative activity after the latest hard forks since curators now get just as much as authors from each post´s payout. Therefore, it is now highly recommended to pay close attention to curation, especially if you are a holder of a sizeable amount of Steem Power.

As you can see in the image below, my daily curation reward (at some 13.3 k SP) is currently close to an average of 10 Steem, which is actually more than I earn through posting sometimes.

Bez názvu.png

I am proud to say I have never powered down and it does feel like my faith in Steem and my long term effort to accumulate as much as SP as I can, are now really starting to pay off.

Undoubtedly, one of the keys to effective curation is autovoting, which allows you to upvote your favorite content creators just in the right time to maximize your curation rewards. There are several applications where you can set your autovotes. I use SteemAuto, which is probably the most popular one.

I know there has been some controversy about the ethics of autovoting but I would say it depends on who you set your autovoter on. I have been really trying to support quality content only so I don´t feel bad about it.

There is actually also some extra motivation in trying to find good content for curation as there are now a lot of new amazing curation projects and teams whose members manually browse through various tags and curate high quality posts and if you manage to find and curate the posts before they do, your curation rewards will be significantly higher. The new system thus motivate authors to create top quality content only while, at the same time, motivating curators to reward it. To me, it sounds like a much better and healthier concept than what was here before. Sure, it still has some flaws but looking at the bigger picture, it definitely seems more promising. It certainly is one of the things about the so called New Steem Era that I am really excited about.

How about you, my fellow Steemians? How much attention do you pay to your curation activities? Have you changed your behavior after the latest hard forks? Do you also use autovoting or do you curate only posts that you read first? Let us know in the comment section below ;)


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about #nature, #animals, #ecology, #crypto, #traveling, #photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the #world, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on Steeming! :)


Blahozelam! Ja budem na 1000 o par dni :)

No vidíš, tak jsme na tuhle metu dosáhli skoro současně :) Děkuji a gratuluji i tobě! ;)

Tak sice nesbíráš, ale na přípitek !BEER ;)
Ještě mám dost co kurátorovat, abych svých 71 SP zvedl na 1000 ;)

Díky díky :) Já všechno, co mi na SE přistane, cca jednou týdně naměním na Steem a pošlu si to sem. Ale snažím se ty rundy oplácet aspoň upvotem :D

Děkuji. Jak jsi zatím se SteemAutem spokojen ty? Pozoruješ rozdíl v efektivitě?

!BEER (Dávám pivo místo upvotů. Mám ho nepřeberně. Ale neprojde vždycky. Upvote nad 0.02 USD prostě nedám, nemám na něj... A neočekávám, že budu za každé pivo upvotován.)

Ano, zvedlo mi to příjmy asi o 50% před HF 21. Nejedu na absolutní efektivitu kurátorských odměn. Upvotuju přednostně v českém rybníčku, i když bych jinde dostal víc. Mně se vyplatí se tady držet. Jsem na něm závislý. Bez něj bych tu dávno nebyl.
Moje angličtina není ani splendid, ani fluent.

Tak to jsem rád, že ti to aspoň trochu pomohlo. Já taky nejedu úplně na maximum. Pořád se snažím rozdělovat hlasy i tak nějak náhodně a spontánně, podle toho na co zrovna narazím a co se mi líbí. A do rybníčku se taky snažím aspoň jednou týdně nakouknout a něco tam porozdávat...

View or trade BEER at steem-engine.

Hey @phortun, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Děkuji :) Tipuju, že to byla Holba :D ;)

Zatím nemám otevřené žádné. Na večer se rozhoduji mezi Holbou a Radegastem :-)

View or trade BEER at steem-engine.

Hey @phortun, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Wow, great milestone! I don't auto-vote, and most of my curation is manual, so apart from changing the timer on steem auto for the few automated votes, haven't changed a thing. Keep on doing that great curation! 😉👍

Thank you :) And good to know there are still people who do most of their curation manually ;)

Hey Buddy! Gratz on this 1k curation reward milestone! That's a huge number!

I honestly was a little bit sceptical on the 50/50 reward pool but I see now that it really makes sense. I think we are heading in the right direction!

Cheers and a great day! :))

Thanks mate :) Yeah, I didn´t really know what to expect from all those changes but so far, I mostly like it :) I also noticed that some people (including you, I know :) even bought more Steem after the latest hard forks and that is a promising sign too.

Not gonna brag, but I did call it in a post being a good thing. It did turn better out than I thought though :)) Okay maybe I did just brag

Posted using Partiko Android

wow, you must have been doing some seriously effective curating. I am only at 572 in total curation. :D Of course, I do hope this is going up quite fast now when I Am a bit more active on the curation part. ;)

Anyways, good job my man!

Thanks buddy :) I am sure you will be there (at 1,000 curation SP) very soon, especially now that you are an orca ;)

Undoubtedly, one of the keys to effective curation is autovoting, which allows you to upvote your favorite content creators just in the right time to maximize your curation rewards.

Ha! if you only knew how many extra 1,000 Steem Power you could earn by just 'curating' manually & organically the flamboyant content of certain offbeat blogs. Hahahaha };)

Good point :) I have been trying to do this kind of curation too. This is also what my regular Saturday upvote giveaway is about (discovering and rewarding undervalued content).

Excellent!! then, I'll only have to wait for you next Saturday to penetrate without fear in the 'Twilight Zone' of the steem blockchain to make you filthy rich. };)

Ok deal :D

Which curation trail you joined?

Posted using Partiko Android

None :) I have been just supporting some authors who post quality content in topics that I am interested in (nature, travel, photography etc.) But timing is super important now and that is where the autovoter helps.

Could you do a blog on how you set that up i would realy like to now and i think it would be very helpful for the community :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I might do something like that, sounds like a good idea :)

Followed hope to see it soon

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations @phortun.

for you

Thank you :)

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