
The blockchain rules are directly incentivising spam at least 4x more than proof-of-brain.

Spam cans in my neighborhood are being recycled as ash trays. Maybe that is the future of the blockchain.

Smoked Spam is an original photo

I agree, as I said this plan would only be a drop in the bucket. The real problem is one of incentives and personal motivations. The fact is that the people who could solve this would rather make quick cash than create a stronger token that would be worth more in the future.

The real problem is one of incentives and personal motivations

It must be very nice to neglect the REAL problems then.

Would you care to elaborate?

I was being sarcastic.

I got that. How about elaborating on your target? Was it directed at me or the scumbags who are ruining this blockchain?

The scumbags who are ruining this blockchain!

Ah. Ok. Sorry if I seemed aggressive, I just honestly wasn't sure. Thanks for the reply and I hope your new year goes well.

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