Tutorial: How Curation Works – Steemit Noobs Edition + Strategy for Users with SP 0-1500

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

As I announced in one of my previous posts, where I’ve been researching @minnowbooster loan services, I have learned a great deal about curation in the process. I think that some people’s struggle and accumulation of so much votes on some of the posts is related to the fact, that user lack the knowledge about the exact way how curation works. No worries! That’s what I’m here for.


The Real Basics

So everyone who has done at least a tiny bit of research probably knows this. Still in order to have complete explanation of the curation, the real basics have to be explained. 

The closer to the beginning of the chain the better

Imagine all the up votes on every single post like a chain. The closer spot the beginning of the chain you beset, the bigger portion of the curation reward you snatch. This rule is there to incentivize users to seek good stuff early and vote for it. 

The more SP one has, the better

SP plays crucial role in determining few factors. First is probably obvious to everyone and that is the value of the vote. The more SP one has, the bigger portion of the reward pool is allocated to the post/comment where he votes. That is though not the only thing that is determined by the SP. The portion of curation reward you get to take (presumably) linearly grows with it too. Simply put – power up, from long-term perspective it’s worth it. 

The More Advanced Stuff

Post Age

Very important factor is age of the post. This is where all the curation gets a bit tricky, though it doesn’t stop here! When the post/comment is created a 30min countdown is started. The closer to 0-minute-age of the post you cast your vote, the bigger portion of your reward you give to the author. At 30th minute the % given to the author reaches 0.

All my calculations have been done with SP 200-550. It’s highly possible that with more SP voting behaviour should change. What worked for me so far though is voting between 15-30 min. If I vote earlier, I give too much of already low reward to the author, keeping very little to myself. If no one has voted for a post I want to vote for till 15th min, it’s totally perfect and I wait even more. I’m keeping a close eye then, prepared to vote for the post as fast as I sense valuable votes coming in its way. When you have your favourite authors, you will soon learn when the valuable up votes come in and act accordingly. The best outcome is when almost no valuable vote has come in before 30 min mark. 

Highly Advanced Stuff

Why is it worth it to vote for users that receive very minimal payment

Ok let me put it straight. If the content is shit, its shit. Don’t vote for shit content. But there is plenty of content that is good, but doesn’t receive payment. Now why would it be worth it to vote for such a content you ask? If you vote for a post let’s say around 20 min mark and the post already has between 5-20 bucks on it. You KNOW that the post will have additional 50-150 bucks on it in next 30 mins, so you cast vote feeling how well you curate. Now let me tell you a secret. If there already was a vote worth 5+ bucks on the post, even if it additionally receives 150 bucks after your vote, you don’t get to see much of the reward. Why? Because the SP of the user who has voted before you is high enough to take the majority of the curation reward, because he has found it earlier than you have and he did have the SP to afford voting much earlier. Shocking right? I know.

On the other hand if you vote for low value content. Let’s use me as an example. Lately I struggle and don’t receive much valuable votes. So if you vote for this post let’s say in 15th min mark, you will probably be one of the very firsts to do so. By that time the post will have around 20 cents of value. Since there is no valuable vote before you, you get to take all of the portion that you can with your pathetic SP. It’s likely that this post will reach at least 1,5 dollar mark. If it does you will receive much more curation reward, than if you voted on a post that had 20 dollar on it in 15th min and will end up being trending 150+ dollar post. Even more shocking right? Now imagine that a whale decided to vote for me for my effort, as it from time to time happens. Your single vote for me has suddenly evened up your whole week curation reward, assuming that you didn’t know what to do and you weren’t particularly lucky.

Moral story of the day? Vote for quality low value content, it will pay off. 

Putting all the obtained knowledge to good use

This is where it gets REALLY tricky. It isn’t that easy to summarize all the facts assembled and create a working curating strategy. I personally have doubled the effectivity of my curating after executing this strategy.  

  • Assume we work with SP between 0-1500, therefore we are the lowest of lowest minnows. Calculations have been done with such SP. If you have more you have to adjust your voting behaviour. You can suddenly profit where we, the low class, can’t.
  • Power up! Not only you will gain more SP over time, but the prize of the Steem will grow too. And you want that believe me.
  • We either have to find users, that receive low payment on their post, or those that receive high, BUT POST 15 MIN, or both (I highly suggest that).
  • Don’t get stuck voting for the same people for the whole duration on this site. Find your favourites and support them I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that. I actually ENCOURAGE that. As long as the voting behaviour of the rest of the users remain the same as before, yours can remain too, but if it changes, you have to adjust. Did some user you have voted for started to receive valuable up votes early? Find someone else on whose post you gain at least some curation reward.
  • If you happen to have over 500 SP, don’t use the slider to give less than 50% vote much often. Your power is shitty as it is and you need to CONCENTRATE your votes.
  • DON’T vote for posts that have over 15 bucks if you want to receive any payment.
  • VOTE for posts that look valuable to you, but it’s not reflected in the current reward status.
  • DON’T vote for shit content. Every vote counts and every vote going in a way of shitty stuff KILLS the site in long-term, because instead of supporting those that work for the page, you support those that are here just for easy-peasy money and don’t give single fuck about the outcome of the page.

I hope I helped you guys! Let me know what you think and maybe in time, whether you have had same success with it as I had:).  

curation REP SP followers


thanks,just got 700sp delegated from minnowboster, will put your ideas to the test!

Well i suggest you read the article that is linked at the top of this article so you know what to expect. Anyway I wish you best of luck!

Here's the contradiction to me:

If the content is shit, its shit. Don’t vote for shit content. But there is plenty of content that is good, but doesn’t receive payment.

And then:

DON’T vote for posts that have over 15 bucks if you want to receive any payment.

So if a post reaches the $15 threshold, it isn't worth voting positively on and supporting? I get that you are presenting this in the vein of making money, but isn't good content worth supporting even past that arbitrary limit?

There's a lot about this place that doesn't really make sense to me. I'd appreciate any elaboration on this particular quandry.

Thanks for asking! I probably didn’t make it clear.

I encourage people to vote for good content as much as they want, but IF THEY WANT TO MAKE SOME MONEY from the curation, they won’t succeed by voting for posts that already have some value if their SP is below 1500SP.

The point of that was to teach the new ones not to curate on highly rewarded posts blindly, thinking that it’s worth it for them. If they love the content so much that they want to support the author no matter whether they will profit from it, or not, then awesome! Do it!

Is it clear now?:)

Thanks for expanding on that. I think I understand it a bit better now.

Just has been confusing, since there's a lot to learn about the different systems and how they are related to posting and voting.

Appreciate it.

That is true. Youre welcome and again, thanks for asking!

Thanks for this post! Good tips and strategies for new steemians. I didnt know alot of this. I certainly do upvote and comment on things I feel are worthwhile even when there is not much happening on said post. I guess im doing it right, now to find one that explodes a little so I can make some profit! :)

Thanks I’m glad i helped!:) Starting from tomorrow i will try to look into the code to get to know all the aspects that influence the income. I guess I’ll call it an "expert guide":D. Anyway stay in touch there is much more to learn i believe!

Hi @fingersik !

Thanks for this well and detailed written post! This is so much input that I have to read twice or maybe 3 times before I get the logic behind it 😅

I think I will then have to review my votings in the future. But one thing bothers me a little. Maybe you can help me.
Since yesterday I think I won't always raise the payout on posts i upvote even though i have >80% vote power.
Is there just a delay that I don't see that my vote helped at least 0,01$ or did it really become worthless 😥

Thanks in advance and keep the good work up!

kind regards
Djangos story @juicypop

First of all thanks for the feedback!

Read it how many times you want. That people need to pay real attention and possibly read it more than once is a good sign for me. I managed to be very informative then:)

Yes I can help you with that. Your vote is currently worth 0,01 you’re right. Keep in mind that the reward could have been rounded up, therefore it needed more than 0,01 of worth to visually increase.

P.S. Use this tool to get to know how much your vote is worth.

Thanks for your reply.

I'm just curious because someone told me in the steemit chat that this tool isn't well written and therefor won't show the real voting power.

I can confirm this as I noticed that my votes beneath 80% voting power a realy nothing worth (<0.01) and the tool says they should be worth 0.01$ until 64% voting power.

You see I'm a little confused right now 😅

Ok this is interesting notion. I understand now why you’re confused My vote is worth about 0,9 at full strength now and my up vote gives more or less what the tool says. I never really check it to the last cent:P.

Ok and that's why you maybe didn't noticed yet, if it's true of course.

As a new steemian my upvotes will be a long time just 0,01$ worth i guess 😂

Depends on how lucky you will be with the pay outs and whether you plan to power it up or trade it right away:)

I want to power my account of course, maybe one day it will be profitable to withdraw some of the earnings, but today?

what could i buy myself for the few cents earned 😆

Wow thank you @thing-2

Appreciate your upvote and help!

Thanks for your info I will test it!!

No problem! Im confident that you will see an increase of your weekly income:)

I think this is a GREAT article. I've been part of Steemit about 8 weeks, or so, and I haven't understood the Power Up / Power Down and curation thing. This gives me such a better handle on how to do it.

I'm following you now and hope to keep seeing great content like this.

I’m glad that I helped!

Excellent advice. I wish there was a way to require that all new Steemians read this and a few other posts to help them get started. I think this kind of information would help retain new users and improve the way some conduct themselves.

Thanks buddy:) Unfortunately Steemit doesnt really support any archive tool for such a purpose:(

What happens if you vote between 30-31 minute mark?

Specify what exactly do you want to know, cuz I dont get it.

Well, if the best curation time is up to 30 minutes, what do you get if you vote between 30-31 mark and after?

It remains the same. Ever since the 30 min mark the % from your curation reward you give to the author is 0.

Big thanks to u @fingersik i found your post quite informative..hope u are going to dish out more of such posts in other areas...also follow me @libertyzvidzai

Thanks! I will certainly try. I love how your first name "Liberty" btw! Don’t try this "follow for follow" thingy on me since I flag it, but since you have added more than that, I’ll keep my cool:P. Maybe I will one day check out what you are trying to accomplish here, but not through such a way:).

Very informative post mate! Thanks!

Youre welcome!

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