How to make the most out of your minnow upvotes when curating

in #curation6 years ago (edited)

Come to class. What is your vote worth? 0.10? 0.02 maybe. Wait, 0.003? It's okay, just follow these tips.


What to upvote and why

Come on, if you have a $0.03 upvote and you're giving it to a $100 post, you're not gonna getting anything, so why bother?

  • Vote order counts. Try being one of the first 5 to get a larger share of the reward.
  • Choose authors who don't usually get a much higher payout than your upvote's value so noone takes the whole curation rewards for themselves.
  • If you think a post is very good, but notice it uses bot upvotes, vote on one of the author's comments instead of the post itself. You'll get better rewards for this, while the author will get the same.
  • Vote after the 30 minutes mark, or you'll be donating a share your own curation rewards to the author. Unless that's what you want to do, of course.

The infamous but important circle-jerk

Come on, if your friend's posts have good quality, it can't be bad to stalk them and vote on their articles. Just follow the above and you'll both do well. Oh, and encourage their social engagement by upvoting the best comments they've made!

Help others while helping yourself

Browse through good posts with very low payouts. Follow them and upvote them. Try choosing the ones that are over 3 days old so you get your reward more quickly. A lot of them will upvote you back.

That's all, folks

We're no strangers to how little we get when we have pretty much no SP. When you're feeling low because you have such a low value vote, remember this strategy. Let's grow together.

Image source: 1

Thanks for reading!


You got a 10.43% upvote from @mitsuko courtesy of @felipejoys! .

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Great advice, my vote is still only worth 1c. I really want to work on boosting that. Someone was telling me your vote value goes up when you have delegated some SP. Do you know more about that?

They meant getting a delegation. You can get rent 280 Steem Power for a month if you pay 10 SBD. It's usually only worth it if you have a specific plan for doing this... like qurator does.

Thanks For the Tip! Hope It will help me to grow! :)

Thanks @felipejoys for this post, i found it very interesting and helpfull. I'm following you, I'm pretty sure I will find a lot of interisting posts.

As a fellow minnow, you really should follow this guide. I'm glad you like it.

I read in other posts that the vote should be before 3 minutes or the reward all will go to the authors? would you please double check which method is right

The earlier you upvote, the higher % you donate. To get full rewards, you have to vote after the 30 minutes mark. In contrast, by upvoting a post at 0 minutes you will donate everything to the author.

appreciate your help, you seem an expert in this, can you also tell me then why lots of ppl vote at the 27 min. ?

Because there's almost no difference. The donated share is greatly reduced over time.

Interesting post, saw some of those insights for the first time! Will try and see how the advices work!

thanks that's information is very important for new people like me on steemit, because too much confusing things here

I'm glad it help you! I'm getting a better vote tomorrow and help you out a bit. Followed.

how much will I get approximately with one cent upvote, if I was first to upvote some post that at the end got $100 in upvote?

Your reward would be only 0.001, which is the minimum. If it were possible to get less, you'd get less.

The larger an upvote, the larger the share of the rewards given to the upvoter, in an uproportional but somewhat fair way. That's why it would be much better to give it to a comment or a newbie's low payout post.

You got a 16.67% upvote from @peace-bot courtesy of @felipejoys!

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