
Good Work @clayboyn !!!! you always manage to compile some great philosophy articles. Thank you so much for selecting my article to be part of this great range of awesome posts. congrats to everyone selected and much love in all your directions :)

Thanks for your thoughts about my post!

I can assure you, good things are coming up for my blog.

I'm looking forward to reading it. :)

very nice selection again! Thanks for collecting them for us, @clayboyn :-)

Happy to do it! This is only the second or third time I've caught a new philosophy oriented user's introduction post, so hopefully we see more. I have a feeling there are plenty more that just use different tags, if you ever want to recommend anyone for me to look at let me know. :)

Thank's for reading my post, picking me and saying such words :)
I'm happy to be picked with all those other awesome posts!
Great work and thank you again :P

Much love bro.

Really amazing posts... thanks for share those posts. 😊

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