CONCENTRATED CURATION: Steemit's Third Curation Guild

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

With any industry and/or project with good intent, there is always plenty of room for like-minded, more streamlined projects to join in and maximize the benefit to the community as a whole.

Similar individuals doing similar things for the community with a little twist to make sure each segment of the community is represented.


One of the areas of influential and beneficial long-term projects here on Steemit is curation. More specifically, curation guilds. On Steemit, there is @curie , which is a decentralized, curation guild using Streemian as a foundation for their curation efforts.

Recommended curators, paid 15 STEEM per accepted post, propose posts which are then chosen and voted on by the @curie account along side its accompanying curation trail.


The curators must adhere to a strict guideline list, as the main goal of Curie is reward newbie Steemians, not Steemians already on the platform creating quality content for quite some time (see the opportunity coming).

This brings benefits to the authors with increased recognition and rewards (sometimes the biggest post payout some Steemians ever receive), and also to Curie in the form of increased curation rewards and rewards from Curie posts regarding the curation project.

The other curation guild on Steemit is @ocd , Operation Curation Delegation, led by the almighty @acidyo . @acidyo overcame a lot in starting his community project/hobby.

And now look at it with 863 followers (as of writing this) and an amazing core group of community curators, it is rapidly becoming the vision of the community project/hobby @acidyo dreamed of.


@ocd has less stringent guidelines than Curie and has a curator voting process using the upvote functionality in Discord chat. The nominations that make it into the @ocd compilation post are voted on by the curators and @acidyo . This gives the authors additional rewards and recognition and give the curators and @acidyo increased curations rewards.

It's focus is finding under-appreciated authors who might have gotten the eyeballs and recognition they deserve.

The curators of @ocd are not paid per nomination like Curie and are paid a weekly stipend that varies based on how many nominations the curator does that week and how many of their nominations make it into the OCD Daily post.

As you can see @curie and @ocd are covering a lot of ground and are doing absolutely epic work in and for the Steemit community. Props off to you all, just know all your work does not go unnoticed.

But with only two curation guilds on Steemit, there are plenty of authors creating quality content that are still not getting the rewards and recognition they deserve.

This is where Concentrated Curation (CC) comes into the works.

After analyzing the curation marketplace on Steemit, there is a glaring gap in content that @curie and @ocd can't curate because of their specific guidelines.

Whether it be the authors reputation is higher than 30 or 50?

Or if the post is 12 hours old or 24 hours old?

There are a huge amount of quality authors who aren't getting their content curated because of arbitrary guidelines set by these two guilds for themselves.

A whole chuck of Steemit that have been on Steemit a few months but aren't newbies but aren't dolphins or whales either.

During my six weeks as a curator with @ocd , there were so many Steemians who create the most epic content, put their heart and soul in it, and you can tell they spent a lot of time on it. And for whatever arbitrary rule applied, they could not be nominated for curation.

What is up with that?

Quality authors who make quality content can't get curated?

That doesn't make much sense to myself and the others on the team of Concentrated Curation so we decided like anything in life we were going to do something about it.

We secured one investment, enough to get the voting power required to curate effectively and efficiently, and looking for others to take it to the next level. The others are required but it would be nice to maximize the benefit to the community. Why wouldn't we try to?

Concentrated Curation's main purpose is to curate from all sectors of the Steemit community. It doesn't matter the type of post (Curie disallows a few types of posts to be proposed), how long the author has been on Steemit, or how long ago the post has been created. If the content is quality, the author deserves recogntion and rewards for it regardless about the specifics.

As a result, each specific day of CC' efforts will be dedicated to a certain tag or topic such as a recent specific current event, a specific niche interest, or a more general topic just as science. Each day will have a different "concentrated curation" effort by CC's Leaders.

The goal of this is to maximize rewards and recognition for authors creating content across all subject and tags on Steemit. this is an amazing platform, why are we limiting are current curation efforts?

Not anymore.

A more inclusive curation guild, Concentrated Curation (CC), will start curating in a month and a half on October 31, 2017. This leaves time for the following plan of action:

Upcoming CC Schedule

AUGUST 12, 2017: Application to become a CC Leader will be posted.

SEPTEMBER 2, 2017: Deadline for application to become a CC Leader.

SEPTEMBER 16, 2017: Post announcing CC Leaders

SEPTEMBER 17, 2017: Starts CC "orientation" and familiarity with the movement and each of the leaders and teammates apart of it.

SEPTEMBER 24, 2017: CC "orientation" is done and CC leaders receive "orientation" pay/rewards.

SEPTEMBER 25- OCTOBER 24, 2017: Concentrated Curation Testing and Cohesion period.

OCTOBER 24-OCTOBER 30, 2017: Week off for CC Leaders to get ready for official launch.

OCTOBER 31: Official launch of Concentrated Curation

As you can see the action plan is ready to execute, so stayed tuned this Saturday, August 12th for more information about CC and how to apply to become a CC Leader.


Thank you as always for your time and attention. It means the world to me.

Image Sources:




Sounds very interesting! I'm all in favor of anything that emphasizes true merit-based rewards, rather than people being able to "gimmick their way" to rewards... being upvoted by 300 bots doesn't tell anyone anything, and it certainly doesn't ensure that quality content (which I recognize is a very subjective thing) floats to the top.

I've never been much in favor of rules to outlaw particular practices... more in favor of "popular initiatives" (like this one, perhaps?) to simply overpower the value/profitability of gimmicks... thereby rendering them less useful, and so less used.

Wishing you much success with this endeavor-- will stay tuned for more!

Ayyy thank you so much for your words.

You are exactly spot on. How did you get in my head like that? Haha.

Thanks again for your time and attention, really means a lot to me.

Namaste :)

Hi @chiefmappster,

Thanks for sharing this opportunity. I have been on Steemit for about a year now, but only really got into it as an active contributor a week ago. I would like to join your guild and look forward to filling out the application.

Followed, upvoted and shared.

Best Regards,

Ay heck yeah. CC has morphed into this which we are so pumped about. Tkae a look and if you beleive in the mission, feel free to write a post explaining why you would like to become a curator and that will start the process my friend.

Here is the overview:

👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽I support supporters! Thanks

Ayyy appreciate you :)

I'm losing count of your initiatives, @chiefmappster :-)

Hahahaha you the man @arekwolf .

You the man :)

Interested in participating in this my friend. Good work. You are always doing for the good of all. You are so appreciated! Thanks 🐓🐓

O wow thank you so much this made my night. Team work makes the dream work. Sounds like a plan. Are you on Discord?

Have tried several times unsuccessfully to get on discord. Any ideas? I know there are a lot of people trying to join up right now. Don't know what the issue might be. Thanks. 🐓🐓

O wow no I didn't know that. That is so weird because we have new people sign-up daily. Hmm I will look into it more and see if I can find something out for you.


Could be the operator! Maybe you have a simple suggestion that could help me get onto the discord. Thanks for the help. 🐓🐓

Try using this link:

Namaste :)

Ok my friend will give it a try. Many thanks. 🐓🐓

You're welcome :))

Any luck?

Hey CC has morphed into this you just want to write a post on why you want to be a curator :)

If I had more SP I would totally be all over this.

Ayyy it's been taken to a whole new level so hit me up in Discord :)

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