
That’s awesome man! I work so hard everyday, for essentially no revenue until I publish, because I’m fortunate AF in this youniverse - but it also can make me look absolutely batshit, and as likely to receive insults as compliments/feedback.

I’ve spent 20 years in “the future” almost literally, looking forward to a present where all of a sudden our potential became realizable, in maybe under a decade.

I asked my nephew last night if he ever played donkey pong, when he was playing ping pong. It was the most hilarious look he gave.

Then he started calling me “Hooligan Future Man”. Over and Over.

One day I think that we’ll get to dress up and actually play donkey pong. After it’s obvious that our species is literally on its way to the rapid achievement of a state of free and equal peace.

I don’t think I’ll ever relax until it seems to me that WE the PEOPLE, is real.

On that note, being so totally a “free associator”, I will say that I’m seriouslu considering naming the gaming side of our business “ISREAL”.

Like, when everyone steps out of a “Virtual” “Atmos-Sphere™️“, after 90 minutes “inSim”,
They are expected to say, with amazing passion. “THIS IS.REAL!!”

Nice to make your acquaintance. I hear most people here don’t like Video too much. I’m still sticking with it.


Lol, further, as briefly as I can - I wanted you to subscribe to me :), because I’m impatient and I want great subscribers, which seems the way to make the most great shit happen the fastest. You hadn’t, so I looked at who you did subscribe to, and added everyone there who’s name looked interesting/more real at first impression.

Is it bad to subscribe a LOT in the early days, Using intuition and the first impressions you get of others? Will I look like a bot if I have 150 subs, have subbed 400, and have 400 posts in 45 days? Lol.

Craziest is the idea, that I’m not too much time, a bot would be able to make that video and be believed.

Is there a BOTcoin?
A BlockCoin™️?

Sorry for taking up more time. I’m addicted to interaction, even if it’s minnows. Maybe even more when it’s a minnow who’s obviously got passion and talent in the same package.


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