春聯 DIY spring couplets

Chinese New Year is less than a month away, and this week I learnt to write spring couplets in my Chinese calligraphy class.


Spring couplets are a pair of poetic lines written on red paper, and are normally hung on either side of the front door or somewhere prominent indoors if you have a very big house. It is customary to do this as part of the Chinese New Year preparations. Think of it as hanging your Christmas decorations. The content of the couplets varies but they usually convey auspicious messages, very important for the new year. Both lines must have the same number of characters and the corresponding characters should be in the same lexical group such as noun, verb, number.
Compared to normal calligraphy, the font on spring couplets are much larger so I practiced on normal calligraphy paper first. My teacher always says my calligraphy style is like me, light and tiny, so I have to write bigger and bolder characters now. After a few practices, he asked me to start writing on the red couplet paper he bought along. The texture of the paper is much thicker and doesn't absorb ink well like the normal paper, so I felt quite nervous as I wanted to do myself and my teacher proud on my first attempt. Here's my writing alongside my teacher's. If you know Chinese, you can easily tell which is mine, and if you don't know Chinese, well you can probably still tell which is mine.

老師常常說我寫書法像我本人一樣,很幼小。寫揮春的字體要大及有氣勢,所以一定要先練習。 練習一陣子之後,老師把預備好的紅紙拿來讓我開始寫春聯。這些紅紙的質感比平時書法練習的紙張厚而且不太上墨,所以第一次寫春聯很緊張,不想讓自己和老師失望。作品已完成,應該很容易看得出那一張是我,那一張是老師寫的。

Despite the imperfections, I was very pleased with it (I have low expectations). When I lifted it to move it aside, I accidentaly brushed it against some other paper on the table and the last character is all smudged now😖 . Nonetheless I'm still very proud with my first attempt, and now its hanging proudly on my wall at home as I have a big ego.


I didn't have time to write the second line in class, but here's my practice.


Writing spring couplets are quite difficult for a beginner like me as there are fourteen characters, so my homework is to write hui chun instead. These are shorter phrases with 4 characters conveying a simply auspicious message such as good luck, health, prosperity, fortune etc. Here I'm practising to write fortune and luck. I hope I will improve a lot in the next few weeks and can you show you the results. Wish me good luck!




I was just thinking of doing this a few days ago, after not doing it for a long while. Used to really love writing it and admire those who can do it well. Good job @livingUKtaiwan :) makes me feel Chinese new year is really near and it is my favourite season of the year!

Its the first time I've written these, have to say there is a sense of pride when I hang them up on the wall!





写得很不错啊 还写了那么多




你把我讚壞了 😄

Great calligraphy skills, I think I need to take out my materials and work on mine as well. Tis the season.

Writing English or Chinese ones? ^_^

Chinese, I used to do 篆書.

Chinese New year is coming, and we are busy to prepare it, Doesn't it @livinguktaiwan?

Will you be spending Chinese New Year in Taiwan @ettydiallova?

Yes, I will @livinguktaiwan.
I will here for two years in front, I wanna finish my study ASAP.

Really nice, it looks great to me :)

我猜一下, @livinguktaiwan在生活中也是偏理性一些,逻辑性很强,很独立、稳重,生活工作井井有条的对不对?


一姐幾乎全中。生活比較沒規律夜睡晚起,不愛做家務,可以一整天不出外在家"煲劇" .....

你生活不规律是因为没有固定工作吧,加上你总在香港 台湾 英国之间飞来飞去,很难睡得规律吧,这样不健康,我最近也在调整生物,livinguktaiwang来一起

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