Introducing Japanese Traditional New Years Food OSECHI ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR STEEMIANS ~

in #culturevulture7 years ago (edited)

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Happy New Year steemians!
I hope you did not have too much to drink to celebrate this special year 2018.
Today I would like to introduce you japanese traditional way to celebrate new year.
In Japan, celebrating for new year is the biggest holiday.
So many people who are not religious goes to temple and shrine to pray.
It is like Christmas in The U.S.A. People get together, eat festive food and some people goes to church.

For new year, we focus on food a lot, so today I will show you many pictures of the traditional food called OSECHI.
As a Japanese, I am proud to share my culture! I hope you like it!

This is called osechi, there are many different types for food in these little boxes.
You track them up and become one cube box, you separate them to display before you eat.
This is for 6 servings.


Each food food has meaning to eat them, for example, black beans are wishing for good health, seaweed is for happiness, eggs for goof income..etc

White and red color combinations are festive color in Japan, so we use this colors for our traditional wedding and ceremonies.


This chinese character is "kotobuki", it means congratulations & long life.

My mom makes this egg custard dish called CHAWANMUSHI every time we have festive occasion.
It has lily root on the bottom of the pudding.
It has very delicate sweet flavor which I really love.
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This is called Kuchitori, made of bean paste and they are sweets.

Just before turn to new year, we eat soba noodles.
It is called "TOSHIKOSHI SOBA".
This is one of our important tradition.

We count for new year and sleep, then in the morning we make rice cakes from scratch.
My mother makes soup with some vegetibles and minced fish.
This is called "OZOUNI".

Then we eat these sweet black beans and vegetable and meat mixed UMANI.
We have to prepare them a day or 2 days ahead of time so they can observe the flavors and we can eat them on right time :)
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At night we got beautiful Oysters, my father's friend gave us for new year.

We are what we eat, eating something festive and healthy for special occasion with family is so precious.
2018 is just started, yet I already have so many things to be thankful for.

My sister @saori and my corgi wore japanese traditional kimono dress for new year.

This year's zodiac is dog!
I used this picture for my new years card :)

新年早々感謝することばかりで幸せな気持ちでいっぱいです( ´∀`)

Thank you so much for reading my vlog!
Do you have any question?
If you do, please feel free to ask me!

Be healthy & Live Happy ❤️

Thank you so much for reading my blog!
Don't forget o follow me and give me upvote ✨
I truly appreciate your support 😊
Have a wonderful day 🎈


That is one big gorgeous osechi set! I miss having osechi on new years!

Oh you had osechi before! Wonderful😊 Thank you so much for your complement ✨


ありがとうございます 😊 今年はsteemfestに参加したいと思っているのでお会いできるの楽しみにしています✨

Happy new year to you too @kawaiipower !
The traditional food in Japan looks so colorful! Yummy.

thank you so much @folken! Happy new year to you too 😊
They were delicious 😋

I'm sure it was!



今年も元気溢れるkawaiipower さんのブログ楽しみにしてます。
コロちゃん干支のお勤め頑張って〜゚.+:。 ヾ(。・ω・)ノ゚.+:。

@aitommylr さん明けましておめでとうございます✨ 去年はお世話になりました!私もaitommylr さんの丁寧で楽しいブログ楽しみにしていますね😊

Selamat tahun baru

Selamat tahun baru✨

Di tahun baru ini moga anda lebih senang

oh wow so colorful and festive , plus very yummy looking ! i love the different meanings and traditions of each food ! thanks for sharing your great photos and customs with us ! upped and resteemed to share with my followers in my @momskitchen blog ! Mmmmmm!😋😋😋😋

happy new year to you @momskitchen🥂 awww thank you so much! l am so grateful😊

OMG looks so yummy! Japan's food is always colorful and neat!
Happy "dog" year!^^

hahaha thank you @cagecorn 😊 they are yummy !
happy dog year✨

Look amazing the food, happy new year!

thank you so much✨happy new year to you too @seikatsumkt 😊


@argon さんにそう言ってもらえるととても嬉しいです, ランニングブログ続けてくださいね!応援してます✨

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