in #culture6 years ago (edited)

A while ago, while watching some foreign movies, I noticed that comments made about Nigeria meant to be funny in most cases, simply does no justice to our image and who we truly are. It groups Nigerians as scammers, and basically dishonest people. Over the course of time, I am going to write on the culture and lifestyle of the Nigerian people.

Not withstanding the hardship, instability of our economy, corruption (especially from corrupt leaders), security crisis, tribalism and nepotism, among others, we have our lifestyle and norms which we embrace everyday, that makes us unique and interesting. Here is just a few reasons why Nigerians are awesome.

  • Nigeria remains one indivisible country, bound by hope that things would get better.

  • Nigerians are resilient and optimistic, No matter how bad things may get, Nigerians will keep moving on and look ahead to better days.

  • You cannot go a day without laughing in Nigeria. We have that killers sense of humor, especially when you have that Deltan friend.

  • Nigerians are very adaptable, we know how to survive in any environment or condition we find ourselves.

  • Nigerians are very respectful people, which derives itself from strict parenting, that is tyranny-like.

  • Nigerian are happy people. We don't lose our humor, cool, an joviality even in the face of hardship, frustration, and anger. Instead, we turn such hardship to jokes.

  • When it comes to talent and brains, we are good! No exaggeration. There's no field in the world we have not made our mark as scholars, in sports, entertainment, medicine, among others. Names like, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Wole Soyinka in the literary scene, Dr. Bennet Omalu who was the first to discover and publish findings of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in American football players, David Oyelowo, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje in the entertainment industry, to name but a few.

  • Nigerians are very optimistic people, we can translate every negative situation into something positive, we know how to make good in almost every situation we find ourselves.

  • In Nigeria you don't have to worry about things like parking ticket and income taxes. Things are very cheap and sometimes even free.

  • We support each other when things go wrong, and take a common stand for one course in the country, even when we have our difference on the surface.

  • As we are made up of diverse ethnic groups, we have our differences, but deep down we are one Nigeria, no matter what our leaders may tell us, or the propaganda and political tension created by them to attain their own selfish needs.

Welcome to Nigeria, a blessed nation, with self centered leaders.


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Thanks @jiyaur. I can see you are new, welcome to steemit.

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