Hidden Essence of the Kwanun Am Temple

in #culture7 years ago (edited)


As like in every Buddhist temple, the most important core was the Buddhas could be found in the center of the temple.

Actually the Buddha statues which attract my heart and soul was made in Shilla Dynasty statue. The long eyes was typical korean eyes. The soft smile of the statue is one of the most representative

The statues of Kwanum Am were not so particular to compare to other statues. But the impressive thing was back ground pictures. Background pictures in this temple are quiet different from others. The thing is color, white color. It was the first time since I have seen the background pictures. Almost every background pictures were colorful. I had posted several time about that. But this picture was white. I even felt somewhat postmodern atmosphere with white color.

For several years ago I had chance to look at the old Russian Icon which had been made for several hundred years ago. At that time the color of the Icons was white, the object was simplified with white color. It gave me chance to widen my point of view on the flows of the painting. Surrealism in painting could be influenced by Russian Icon Painter. Of course, it was my personal interpretation. Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of that Icon.

The one thing I introduce to you is the dragon drawing. The dragon of this temple is different from the dragons of other te mples. You may differentiated this dragon from other dragon

Nun told me that this dragon was close to the traditional shape of dragon

This type of dragons was told to be strongly influenced from china.

On the ceiling, there were sculptures of phoenixes!

It was the first time for me to look at the phoenix in the temple. The phoenix means the king and queen in Asian society. Interesting thing is the one phoenix is shedding tears. Do you recognize the white tear of green phoenix ?

I don't know what the tear means, but in my guess it seems the tear is a sign of sympathy for suffering of human being

This is a magic stone that bestows omnipotence on him who acquires it. But this magic in the temple seems to mean the truth of Buddhism.

After taking the photos, Nun suggested me look at the mountain through the window. She told me that the scene through the window was really awesome

I took some pics of nun.

I wish you feel the mood that I felt on her through these pics.


@slowwalker An interesting comparison, I think the icon in the middle of space means the point of concentration where mandala-mandala surround it means that the icon is having an important position in the view of the culture's supporters. The choice of white color is the activity of the symbolism of purity. Phoenic birds symbolize the height of nature, while the Dragon is the incarnation of the power of god to the nature of each element seoery.

the three manifestations of Buddha depicted in your photo, @slowwalker, parallel the three aspects of man - body, soul; and spirit.

But in Buddha's case, his physical body was Siddhartha Gautama, his bliss body was his soul, and his truth body, his spirit.

I interpret this to mean that Buddha should not be seen as totally absolute or other worldly, but imminent and involved with the affairs of this world.

Yes, there is the magic stone that soars above us on wings and represents truth, but alongside the soaring truth are winged phoenixes whose eyes are on humanity and shed a tear for our suffering.

The phoenix is a mythical creature who is consumed in its own fire but rises again. It is a symbol of eternity and rebirth.

Lastly, there is the human face of Buddhism personified in the figure of the nun, hovering on the periphery, attendant upon you, and willing to be a guide.

I thought the three statues of Buddha in your photo were breathtakingly beautiful set against the white painted background.

I'm reminded of the passage from Proverbs in the Bible that says, A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

You gave us apples of gold today, @slowwalker

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what you are doing is called spamming - you did this three times in this post. If you continue this bad etiquette you will be down-voted and flagged and effectively banished from this site. Please stop.

Good job and thank you for helping rid this community of such disrespect.

thanks, @quinneaker - first time I ever flagged anyone

Yea its not fun and I think it should be done sparingly, but when you warn someone and they don't do anything about it then its a MUST FLAG otherwise they will just do it thousands of times to many people.

Just wanted to make sure you felt at peace with it and show you some support for helping out the community.


thanks, @quinneaker - appreciate the support

I love all the differnt temples spread out throughout Korea, always nice to get away from the busy chaos of the city?

Where is this one located? Do you respond to comments at all? I've asked you things on several of your posts as I am also in Korea and as a foreigner could always use some more info, but you never seem to respond, whats the deal?

keep up the Korean goods
tip! hide

Nice post. Thank you for post. Please vot for vot.

interesting photos, especially the phoenix birds that drips tears, there must be a certain purpose of things

Nice blog my friend

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