Anglican Church in Kangwhado Island

in #culture7 years ago


Korea is the paradise of religion. It seems that there are all religions of the world in Korea. Buddhism, Catholic church, Protestant, Muslim, and Russian Orthodox Church, etc.
I didn’t expect to see the Anlgican Church in Kangwhado.

After looking around the King’s Archive, I saw a Jesus statue in the air. It looked somewhat mysterious scene to me.

The place on where the statue stood was the Catholic Church. Kangwhado island is also famous for the Catholic Church matyrs.

Usually my mom never miss the place of matyrdom, But she didn’t want to visit the Church because of high temperature.

Riding down from the King’s Archive, my mom told me take the photo of wall and the pavilion for her drawing.

While taking the photos, I saw interesting gate on the hill. It made me curious about that.

So I reported to my mom to enter into. My mom agreed regardless of hot weather.

As soon as passing through the gate, I saw Korean traditional building.

It was an Anglican Church. It was really interesting. Anglican Church in Kangwhado island, I never’ve expected.

Left building was a parsonage.

At the gete, you can see the interesting pattern of the Cross and the symbol of Tai-chi.
May be Anglican church had tried to harmony with korean traditional culture.

The church building looked like second story building.

I entered into the church, it was not secondstory building. It was a single story building. The sun light from high window was fantastic.

I took some pictures inside of the church.

Holy water stone bowl

Preaching table

The bag ground board means the direct origine of the everything.

I found the memorial stone for a British Sister Almar. She must’ve done great thing here.

The other side of the church there were some monument stone for bishops of korea

My mom took a pose next to the monuments

The awesome scenery was the Portal gate of the church.

It was great opportunity to looking around the Anglican church in Kangwhado island.

Thank you for reading.


Cool - thank you. Great photos: i fully upvoted you.

Woww keren ya korea,saya tidak tau sebelumnya ada begitu banyak agama di korea namun saling menghargai, dan saya berharap bisa mengunjungi negara anda suatu saat nanti, saya tertarik dengan kultur budayanya, dan perempuannya cantik-cantik.

Class))) Friend, thank you for sharing with us interesting places in your country)))) I wish you and your mother health)))

I really wish to visit this place one day, looks like a calm place ..

Very...very....paradise of religion

lovely photos today, @slowwalker.

I agree - the Anglican church has made an effort to blend into Korean culture as far as architecture is concerned. It is, of course, The Church of England, but the usual western motifs were subdued and an effort made to reflect Korean culture. I thought that was very sensitive and respectful.

Instead of the typical soaring stone edifice was a simple low-rise building in traditional Korean style, with a central windowed tower that acted as a skylight to admit light. The wooden pews, the altar and the stone baptismal font were all familiar, yet harmonized with the setting.

A beautiful picture of western and Korean culture merging, @slowwalker

I heard the worlds biggest christian church is in korea?

Korea is indeed a great place to visit and I sincerely hope that there will be peace with North Korea. Beautiful people and cultures in this beautiful island, thanks for sharing.

Due to your hardwork here and top quality posts which are undervalued, I hereby add you in my (after reaching a mile stone) in order to better send in my support to your good work and quality posts...keep it up and more success.

Very good place to get relax man, i love the buildings

Great! Photography! Good for to your post sharing!
I love photography culture you! @slowwalker
I vote you!b@slowwalker
Vote me!

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