What is the biggest culture shock you have ever faced?
I am going to bash the moral system of some people living in the UK in this answer so proceed with caution if you are sensitive.
I have lived 18 years in Armenia. This year, I moved to study in Cambridge.
It goes without saying that Cambridge is one of the most beautiful towns in the world. It has gorgeous parks and old buildings in the center of the city. Its frantic academic turmoil in the morning and the afternoon is lively as the University of Cambridge is also in the town.
However, the first evening I was walking in Cambridge, I saw at least 20 homeless people. Although this was a bit surprising to witness in a “rich” country such as the UK, this is not the cultural shock I am about to tell; bear with me.
So I lived two months in Cambridge. I got used to seeing homeless people on the streets and a couple of times I gave them food. I am conscious that I can’t help them all but I have pity for them — whatever the reasons for their conditions.
At the end of the first term in Cambridge, I gave myself a “free day” at Cambridge and decided to have fun. (Aside: you can’t give yourself free days if you are a student here. You are literally stuck between classes.)
That night, I went out and celebrated my friend’s birthday. Then my another friend and I were going back to our rooms.
At around 1 AM, I saw something which might be a common occurrence for some people but was a complete shock to me. We heard a middle-aged man’s voice:
I looked back. The man was screaming at someone. It’s pretty usual to hear drunk men cussing at Cambridge at night, no big news. I didn’t pay much attention to it before I saw an invalid woman with sticks struggling to walk.
I was completely shocked. Was that man talking to that woman? I wasn’t sure so I asked my friend.
“Do I understand correctly what’s happening? Is he talking to that woman?!”
“I think so.”
I stopped and looked back. The man was continuing his cussing and swearing as he was gaining pleasure of it. I saw another person helping out the invalid homeless woman who could barely move.
The man went away whilst I was still in disgust; I have lived in Armenia all my life and I cannot imagine anyone — however, drunk — cussing at an invalid homeless woman.
That was beyond my understanding. If such a thing happened on the streets of Armenia, the man would have gotten a few blows to his mouth and taught that all people are people.
I saw people taking bribes in Armenia, I saw people being racist, I saw almost every bad quality a human can possess but, no, not that; I never saw invalid people getting harassed for being homeless.
That was one of the moments in my life when I witnessed the evil that lives in some humans.
Apparently, many people are overly sensitive to what I wrote, leaving comments such as “seems Armenia is just, maybe you can spare us” or that I am generalizing this to British people. I expect that some of the comment-writers justify the above-mentioned acts as well.
I would go a little bit more on length but I do not want to get a BNBR violation. Apparently, one can’t tell a personal experience.
This is exactly what I am talking about: The world is all about “political-correctness” nowadays. While 40 years’ olds little emotions are hurt on internet reading this answer, invalid people are getting harassed.
You proved my point. Thank you.