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RE: America's Healthiest City: Minnesotan Culture Pt. 3/5

in #culture6 years ago

I went conoeing alot growing up and i wish i would do more. It was much better conoeing on smaller river than the lakes because the lakes are filled with too many speed boats and are really annoying when they try to tip us over. I do live close to a once railroad track that connects to the green way and it is really nice to walk and bike on but it is really hard to do that in the winter especially when the snow thaws on warm days and then turns to ice when it is bitter cold again.


Ohh! I have not been canoeing in quite awhile, but I would like to go this summer up to the Canadian Boundary Waters :) The channels are perfect for small water crafts - no speed boats! And I understand completely about the snow melting and freezing again! I'll take the snow over ice any day!

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