[Korea College Club Q&A] 2. What are some features of your university that only students from your Uni know?

in #culture7 years ago (edited)


What are some features of your university that only students from your uni know?

Gachun University



The art school department of our college sells the best Ramen. No joke, it's the best Ramen I've ever had in my life.

Sometimes a black cat would be around the art department, and if the students open the window it would come in.

There is also a stairway in the college square. It's structure is weird, so when the students walk up it looks a bit odd. So it's called the retarded stairway ( direct translation).



When you get off at the subway station, it's connected directly to our school!

I don't know if they digged every ground when they made the subway but all the departments are connected underground. We can still enjoy going to another class even when it rains. It's great and it's fabulous :D



The art department is a six storey-building. But it has no elevators! I major industrial design and most of the classes are at the 5th or 6th floor.

I asked the college assistant for an elevator but she told me it's impossible because of the structure. The tuitions are expensive, and we are in urgent need of a re-modeling!

Ewha Woman's University




In our school we have to keep a chapel for 8 semesters, 30 minutes each week for four years.
We can miss two chapels per semester but if we keep missing it for more than two times we have to listen to it the next semester with the chapel that's mandatory in the next semester :'(

Because some students forget about the chapel there is the word 'Chapel Semester', which means one more semester for the chapels only for graduation after employment xD

Although we have to go up a deadly stairway to go and listen to the chapel, it's great to listen and see the beautiful performance of the dancers and singers of our school. I'm not a Christian but I'm enjoying it :)

Korea University



Korea University is very big and the campuses are so far apart that walking from class to class can take up to 30 minutes..Making you late for all of your classes!

Never live in the dormitories, because the hill will kill you. There are also all sorts of cool university facilities (like the ice skating rink, swimming pools, etc) that most people don't seem to know about.

It is known among the students that people prefer the humanities campus to the science campus because the buildings are much nicer and the girls are prettier...Haha.

Kyeongki University




Our university is located on a mountain! It is at the end of the Gwanggyosan mountain, so we don't really need extra exercising.

Kyeongki Uni has a front gate, an inner gate and a back gate, but you should never use the front gate. Using the front door will be close to rock climbing so it's better to use the inner gate. My favorite part about going to my uni is the cafe.

There are cafes for each department and they give a large amount of smoothy in each cup. It's the best!! But I really don't like the food in the school cafeteria. If I had to pick the best menus I'd pick the hamburger steak and the pork cutlet. The other features are the kind professors and their bad jokes.

Seokyeong University




Our school has a hill named the Wurthering Heights (In Korean 폭풍의 언덕). If you're a visitor at our school, you might be astonished that you have to walk up the hill, but no worries! All the departments are connected.

To go up the wurthering heights, you should go to the Bukakgwan (The department of engineering) and take the elevator to the 7th floor. After getting off, go up the stairs on the left. You will get to the 6th floor of the department of literature. Take the elevator from the 6th floor and go down to floor 'L'. You will see the cafe sp.

If you go out of the cafe, you will find out that you've arrived at the top of the hill. Isn't it amazing? Other than this, our college departments are connected underground so no worries for the Seokyeong uni students on rainy days.

Dongduk Woman's Uni



Our school mascot is named 'Somsom' and it's really cute! Our school flower is the cotton so the mascot looks like a cotton too, and it's really cute and fluffy looking!

There are lots of somsom character products and it's popular among the students. Also our college has a cat lover community called the 'Som butler', so we can find character products of the Somsom holding the cats.



The humanities department (Sungin) is located on a hill so we call that hill the Sungin mountain (It's not actually a mountain).

We used to have a cafe near the humanities department but not anymore because the contract between the cafe and the college is over. I wish we had a new cafe in the school so I can drink coffee and eat some bread. There is another cafe but it's really far from the humanities department.

  • Facts about Korea
  1. 70% of the Korean territory is covered with mountains.

  2. Most colleges in Korea have mascots.


Somsom of Dongduk Woman's uni

  1. There are all-female colleges in Korea such as Ewha, Dongduk, Dukseong and Seoul woman's university.

  2. Koreans call cat owners 'Butlers', because the owners serve their cats.

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