
Busek stayed with me last fall when they were traveling, and he loves being at my house and watching the squirrels out the window! We get along pretty well.

oh wonderful! Busek? That is an unusual name that I've never heard!

His name is Bucephalus. Named after Peter the Great's horse. The cat was born in Russia, so the name is fitting.

what in the world? did they get a cat from Russia? And people actually know the name of Peter the Great's horse? what was Peter the Great great at?

The horse died in 326 BC, but I am surprised how many people recognize that name as having once belonged to a famous horse! That was a bit of history that was lacking from my education I guess.

He was a Russian Tzar who did many things to reform the church and Russian Society and bring the country into what was then a much more modern era.

My d-i-l is from Russia and her family lives there, so they visit once a year or so. The cat traveled in a carrier under her airplane seat a year ago. It is my understanding that cats are much easier than dogs to bring into the country.

Howdy again Melinda! Very interesting stuff!
Should I know what d-i-l stands for? lol.

Yes you should. Since I was just talking about my daughter-in-law!🤣

Oh! ok well I'm still new to the social media terms and abreviations, I learned a new one today, thank you!

The horse died in 326 BC, but I am surprised how many people recognize that name as having once belonged to a famous horse! That was a bit of history that was lacking from my education I guess.

He was a Russian Tzar who did many things to reform the church and Russian Society and bring the country into what was then a much more modern era.

My d-i-l is from Russia and her family lives there, so they visit once a year or so. The cat traveled in a carrier under her airplane seat a year ago. It is my understanding that cats are much easier than dogs to bring into the country.

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