The Nosy Neighbor effect

in #culture7 years ago (edited)

As an expat living in the UAE, one gets to know lots of different nationalities and learn to respect other people's cultures.  We might not always agree with it and the way they are used to doing things, but we learn to accept it and we also expect from them to accept ours. 

One thing that was strange to us in the beginning, was that there is no such thing as telephone etiquette around here.  Someone at a company will not answer the telephone by saying "A-Z Technology services, this is Tom speaking, how may I assist you?"...No...They will say: "Yes?".  Then you would ask or tell them something and before you have completed whatever you were saying, all you hear is BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP.  They just put the phone down, no "thank you for calling, enjoy your day, goodbye", nothing.  In the morning at work, they will come up to you without greeting and just start talking about work.  These are things we are not used to but we learn to accept it. 

Today, me and my wife started decluttering our home, throwing away some old stuff and putting a few unused items up for sale.  My phone went crazy with people wanting to buy things and we had a lot of people in and out of our home today.  There were probably 12 items up for sale so we had quite a few people coming by to look at items, some bought an item or two and some left empty handed.

The whole day I've been noticing my nosy neighbor standing around checking us out.  On a previous occasion when we went camping for a weekend, we packed up the car and had to take a lot of things with us, including the barberque grill and camping chairs.  While we were packing the car, the neighbor's wife just entered our house without us seeing her, and she was looking around for things to buy as she thought we were moving.  As we returned from our camping trip, she stood outside watching us carrying all of our things back inside, but the next day she came knocking with a notebook and a pen, forcing herself through the door and my wife had to prevent her from entering with a broomstick, LOL!  TODAY, as the last person came for the last item, again my neighbor just walked in the door, interrupting me and my "customer", pointing at items in my home asking "What is the price of this? What is price of that?".  "Sir, excuse me, I am not moving and those things are certainly not for sale!"

Image source

To us, this is very disrespectful.  We were taught that you do not enter someone else's house without knocking and you DO NOT interrupt people while they are talking.  If I respect your culture, please respect mine too.

But what is happening to RESPECT?  

Is it really just okay to walk into someone's home?  Is it really just okay to have no telephone etiquette?  Is it really just okay not to greet a person you are talking to, or was I taught the wrong way?


Nee jitte hulle het geen maniere nie!

Niks man, niks! :)

As an American that lived in Germany for a while, I would get pissed at Germans when they stared at me. Eventually I learned they weren't trying to stare me down, they just look at stuff. After that I felt like an asshole, but seriously, quit staring at me.

LOL. Here staring is the main game.

We get stares too...lots and lots and lots! I am @ghostgtr 's wife who chased her out with the broom.

When I was in Rotterdam in The Netherlands for business, I went down to the reception to photocopy some receipts. I said, " Hi how are you?" The woman behind the counter said, "What do you want?"
So I said, "I was wondering if..."
At first I thought they were rude, but then I realised it is a culture thing!

I unserstand that you have to have respect for other people's culture and traditions and The UAE have deep rooted culture, but surely this is just plain bad manners??? I'm not sure but it seems wrong to me...... it would freak me out anyway xxx

O goodness some people must have really boring lives....

Must be, they should start Steeming and leave us alone. LOL

Nosy neighbors make good security dogs

Please see your post mentioned here

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