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RE: Why the New Star Wars Trilogy Sucks

in #culture6 years ago

I really hated TFA and TLJ for the same reasons you just named and many more. But mainly because they are just lazy and extremly uncreative. It felt we just got served recyceled movies and got charged full price for it.

The only one I liked of the new was Rogue One. It was refreshing and the space battles were much better. Mainly because the actions of the characters and the course of the story was somewhat logical. And there were no overpowered main characters, space Leias and completely braindead antagonists.

In the end we can't really expect Disney to change that. They will milk the Star Wars cow till it's dead. They are playing it safe and won't care unless a Star Wars movie really flops. Which won't happen because of their new audience.

Let's face it: Star Wars will never be the same anymore. We should keep the old 6 movies in memory for what they were. And try not to compare them to whatever the new movies are supposed to be.


I agree, I still am excited for the Obi Won anthology though. I think that one still has potential. We will see about Solo.

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