The Workplace Virus

in #culture7 years ago

Diversity is a strong word that is often associated with a disparity of notion and perceptions. It is usually characterized with issues concerning cultural differences and social backgrounds. But in its most sincere of definitions it only talks about an existence of differences or disparity.

In a workplace this word always finds it's way as a result of the different cultural, social and mental background of people.An organisation hosts people from different cultures and moral standing; all brought together to grow and develop the organisation.

In appreciation to this evident situation experts have advocated for a good mix of employees of different backgrounds as it represents a recipe for a creatively and multi- perceptive environment. With everyone chipping in their own ideas based on their educational background, experiences and exposure.

Organizational inclusion has been regarded in this century has the key to which most fortune 500 companies thrive on. That is why a lot has been done in the way of creating an all inclusive working environment; with respect for people's cultural differences.

Bring together people from all spheres often than none makes for a good experiment and firms seeking to brew an innovative environment have been encouraged to embrace cultural, behavioural diversities in the workplace.

But sadly there still lies in our environment that stereotype mentality that inhibits management from getting the best of their employees. You find in almost every environment you go, a certain acceptable behavioural pattern and anyone not tuning to that is often regarded as an outlaw, a "his not part of Us" mentality and shoving people off responsibility referring to them as low-performers.

We tend to forget that we as humans were perhaps the most complicated yet simplest creation of the Creator. Our make up as humans differ clearly from others arounds us and that genetically and behavioural differences is what make us unique. No one can find a perfect replica of himself as we were all wired differently. But what makes us simple amidst all these complexity is that we have been giving the ability to learn, understand and communicate better with our fellow species. As times goes by the mode of communication keeps getting better.

So this should reflect in our work environments. Knowing fully well that all we hope to attain, whatever objectives we have set can only be achieved by the best mix of employees, you must be conscious as a leader to ensure that team members get a level playing ground to find their fit in the organisation. It's not enough to write it as a company policy and paste it in every floor in the company, you have to work it out because if your organisation shows any sign of cultural stereotyping then you're gradually encouraging a toxic environment that could choke even the best of talents.

If indeed your aim is to create a conducive and innovation enabling environment, you would jealously watch this virus that is creeping into our workplaces. Stand firm and proactively take the lead in defining the footprints of company culture and promoting inclusivity among your team members.

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