So if you Have no Citizenship in your own Country, where do you live ?

in #culture7 years ago

I am an Aussie, i travel outside of Australia for some time periods.

Once the Australian Government found out I had been OUTSIDE of Australia for more than THREE Years in the last five years . . .

( I am an Australian Citizen by Birth, I have never been arrested nor changed my Citizenship )

The MoRoNs in my OWN Governments told me I would be Losing my RESIDENCY within Australia ! ! !


Seriously WTF am I supposed to LiVE if I cannot Live in my own FLICKING Country ?

their reply basically Boiled down to . . .


I immediately AGREED with THEM ! ! !

I TOLD Them I will deal with my problem which is truly not their Problem at all...

I then told them What THERE Problem was going to BE ! ! !

And IMMEDIATELY explained that they had no problem :)

Their SUPERVISOR was going to have a HUGE problem !

I EXPLAINED that immediately after I hung up I was about to send about

THREE Politicans and a couple of Governemnt complaints Tribunals

and the Mass Media and Slocial Media to . . .

TEAR their Supervisor a second Arzehole ! ! !

( Which is EXACTLY what I did )

Being totally committed to polite telephone manners,

I ended the call with...

You; Have a Nice Day :)


This was about the same time when the Aussie Welfare Office

told me my AUSTRALIAN PASSPORT was NOT Sufficient

proof of identification ! ! !


More calls to Politicians :)

Explaining that that is why Australia is FLICKED

like so many Countries around the World because

this Politician who has been in Public Office for about the

last 400 years, continues to employ MoRoNs ! ! !


Three months later I get a call from Canberra
( the Capital of Australia )

some lackey flunky wants me to contribute to

some policy meeting to provide valuable

input to the Committee's proceedings . . .

I expressed my " heart-felt " ' disappointment '

But this wonderful public servant had

interrupted my BattleGround PVP battle

in World of Warcraft WoW and I needed to

get off the phone quick before my ' toon '

was flagged as a " deserter " and I lost my

points for that important battleground.
Said MoRoN then immediately expressed his

" profound " ' disappointment ' that I would

be unable to contribute vital input to this

vitally important policy committee session . . .


I then got the FLICK off the phone and managed

to finish my vitally important WoW PvP

player versus player Battle Ground ! ! !


These are TRUE Stories; at no time have any

names been changed to protect the identities

of any Public Servant MoRoNs ! ! !


Welcome to Mad-Ness . . .

These Krazy FLICKERS are truly

running your own countries LOL...


Well it would be funny if it was not so seriously

important and sad and pathetic at the same


Why is it like this ?

Huamsn are Social creatures, Public Servants

" need " a ' reason ' to have meetings . . .

Someone somewhere NEEDS to SEE

" something " emerge from that

' free lunch '; thus new policies

emerge faster than those actually

involved in those Policy Meetings

can literally Change their underwear ! ! !


Ain't Life Grand :)

You Have a Nice Day !

/ Hugz ;)


I always thought that Australia is a beatiful country of freedom and open-minded people. And kangaroos of course :) Time to admire the New Zealand instead :) All Blacks rule.

In Boats in ocean
200 mile is the maximum a country can claim,
beyond that line.

But to flourish in Steem : click on my name and upvote me in my every post and I will upvote your every post,so mutually both will be benefitted and follow. This is the way of prosperity here. Thanks in advance.

but, But, BUT; I do not vote, there is some krazy RoBOT ( not mine ) surfing Steemit and voting on lots of stuff . . .

I do not even know who controls said RoBOT; all I care about is said RoBOT is NOT trying to steal Steem out of my Wallet :)

/ Hugz :)

Maybe a Voting RoBOT will come visit your blog posts on Steemit now...

I truly have no idea, at least I do not have to buy the Fuel or Gas or Oil for this unknown RoBOT !

u R followed . . .

Probably, no other Nation would allow a Foreigner to live within its borders.

( I Mean a Real Country worth going into to live, not some bullship Country that is nothing more than a boil on the Butt of The World )

That Means Antartica ( Being an Aussie I have NEVER seen Snow LOL )

Yep Antarctica is TAX FREE, simply because there is no Government there to rob your pay packet :)

Once people actually start living in Antartica you can bet your last dollar someone will introduce TAXATION, even if only to avoid them from having to get a j-o-b themselves LoL :)

/ Hugz ;)

[ my issues with MoRoNs in Australia have been resolved for a few years now; but I will bet you a BitCoin those Morons are STiLL there AND HAVE BEEN Promoted to higher levels of incompetence ! ! !

You gotta Love The Swamp People :)

Yep ; I cannot wait till they start publishing their Memoirs ! ! !

Well, with enough BitCoin you can buy an old cargo ship or a dozen and make your own island country.

Yep I am going to buy an old trawler and have it overhauled and live in international waters just 12 miles off-shore . . .

Just Me, my Crew and my Harem ! ! !

Yep :)

/ Hugz ;)

The crew and Harem people can go ashore for " shore leave " and bring me ' supplies ' back :)


hi crok nice to meet you :)followed :)

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