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RE: Around the world. History of the ancient Egypt IV

in #culture6 years ago

Dear @adrianobalan sir
Egyptians used to have too much discussion about the post-death life. As it is believed today that after the death of the second life begins, the people of Egypt used to keep the objects of use related to daily life in the grave after death. The society of the people of Egypt divided into five major parts. The royal family, the feudal, the priests, the middle class and the serving slaves were the classes. The royal family and priests were seen with a reputation. The smallest unit of society was a family in which a marriage was recognized and the children born to it would have been acquired as a succession. The basis of the economic income of the people of Egypt was agriculture. The Nile was used for irrigation. Apart from this, industry was also aware of the art of art handicrafts. People here believed that the incidence of rain or fires was a divisive wrath.
Whatever information I write, I am not writing about myself. I am also inspired by writing somewhere. I am happy that through your blog I am getting an opportunity to gather information about history through various means. Although it is such a great civilization that it is difficult to understand it. I remember reading about these civilizations in class 8 and after that there was now a chance to read.
Thank you sir . Have a good day

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