Tersesat di Keraton Yogya | Lost in the Keraton Yogya |

in #culture7 years ago


Kami tersesat di Keraton Yogya ketika sejumlah penjaga mengira kami bagian dari tamu acara di dalam keraton. Entah mereka salah sangka karena penampilan kami terlihat seperti tamu, atau mereka keliru mendapatkan informasi.

Saat ditanya, kami jujur menjawab dari Aceh dan mereka mengarahkan kami ke dalam. Kami tidak sadar ada yang salah, dan bertanya-tanya mengapa tidak ada turis lain di dalam keraton.


Di sebuah rumah yang sederhana, sejumlah abdi dalem perempuan sedang duduk. Kami menyapa dan mereka dan saya minta izin foto bersama. Mereka bersedia dengan senang hati.


Sampai di dalam, kami melihat mobil berplat merah dengan nomor plat AB 1 yang sepertinya mobil dinas Sultan. Beberapa kawan langsung berfoto dengan latar mobil tersebut.


Ketika seorang penjaga mengatakan acara sebentar lagi dimulai, kami sadar ada sesuatu yang salah. Kami bertanya apakah benar ini Keraton yang terbuka bagi turis, penjaga itu mengatakan kami sudah mengambil jalur yang salah. Seharusnya kami berjalan lurus dan tidak berbelok ke kanan, ke tempat kediaman Sultan.

Kami minta maaf dan segera keluar. Barangkali, inilah yang disebut tersesat di jalan yang benar.$$$


Lost in the Keraton Yogya

We got lost in the Yogya Palace when a number of guards thought we were part of the event guests in the palace. Either they are mistaken because our looks look like guests, or they get misinformed.

When asked, we honestly answered from Aceh and they directed us inside. We were not aware of anything wrong, and wondered why there were no other tourists in the palace.


In a modest house, a number of female servants were sitting. We say hello and they and I have a photo permission together. They are willing to be happy.

Up inside, we saw a red-plated car with a license plate number AB 1 that looked like an official car of the Sultan. Some friends immediately take pictures with the background of the car.


When a guard said the show was about to begin, we realized something was wrong. We asked if it was true that the Palace was open to tourists, the guard said we had taken the wrong path. We should have walked straight and did not turn right, to the Sultan's residence.


We apologize and get out soon. Perhaps, this is called being lost on the right path. $$$



siip aja ya mas... saya lagi capek nggak sempet baca , jadi saya vote aja ya...takut lupa jadi vote..he..he.. mohon maaf ya :)

Mantap wae Bro @happyphoenix. Istirahatlah, semoga mimpi indah dan berwarna. Terima kasih sudah singgah dan meninggalkan jejak yang indah.

Ka beuh. Bek tuwoe engkol ata long.

Siap Pak @dsatria... Angen pih jeut mangat stabil bhan...

Wah keren itu, tersesat di kraton jogja, wah mantaplah.top markotop

Benar Mas @kunrishartanto. Tersesat yang indah....

Pernah ke Yogyakarta, tapi waktu kecil

Ayo ke sana lagi Mbak @suci.

Insya allah suatu saat nanti

Harusnya ikut terus bg, jd jumpa sultan hehe

Takutnya nanti ditangkap pasukan pengamanan. Kami tersesat karena @kakilasak, melangkah sesuka hati. Sebelum diusir, langsung minta maaf dan keluar, hehehehe.

When a guard said the show was about to begin, we realized something was wrong. We asked if it was true that the Palace was open to tourists, the guard said we had taken the wrong path. We should have walked straight and did not turn right, to the Sultan's residence.

Coba banyangkan kalau tersesat dan ditemani oleh dendayang keraton... Hummmm... Hanya Allah yg tau.

Namanya abdi dalem. Baginda @yahqan. Nanti saya posting tulisan dan foto tentang abdi dalem. Please follow my post forever, beuh?

Bukan alasan itu bg @ayijufridar tersesat.
Mungkin belum pernah ke keraton, makanya pura-pura tersesat.

Hus, jangan bongkar rahasia di sini @amryksr, male awak gampong, hehehehe. Kalau tidak tersesat, tidak bisa lihat kediaman Sri Sultan

Ka loen tuhoe wate loen baca phoen bg @ayijufridar.

BRR: Bek Rhop-Rhop...

Loen khem mantoeng bg @ayijufridar

Tersesat yg menyenangkan...

Kalau ditangkap, menjad tidak menyenangkan @horazwiwik. Tapi syukurlah, penjaga di sana--seperti yang kita tahu--sangat ramah.

Yoi bang. They really understand what hospitality means.

Keramahan yang patut dicontoh

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