Cultural appropriation, an honest opinion.

in #cultural8 years ago

I would just like to throw this out there, cultural appropriation is such a load of fetid dingoes kidneys that the mere utterance of the term marks you, in my opinion, as a low grade moron of indeterminate and ineffectual education without the ability of critical thought and lacking in true friends who would have told you to stop being an idiot and pick up a book.
Cultural appropriation is a pretty phrase without the burden of any real meaning. Without assimilation and cultural intersection everyone one would still be sitting in caves trying to figure out an effective means of hunting their next meal. The interacting and interfacing of different cultures is one of the main advantages of the human species. Opposing so called cultural appropriation is almost a form of racism, implying ones culture is inherently better or exclusive to a particular, perceived subset of homo sapient. If your cultural identity isn't strong enough to share, perhaps it has served its purpose and is no longer needed.
I am an American, at least back to 1610 when my ancestor Jeremiah O'Kenniff emigrated from Ireland via Holland to what is now Sleepy Hollow New York, my DNA test backs this up with an 80% Irish ancestry. I had ancestors who fought with Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig in 1012 earning the family name, which means "Son of the Black Hound". I have ancestors who fought at the Battle of Glenmalure.
Few people in the world have been prosecuted to the extent that the Irish were. They were removed from their property, had their names changed, denied representation, prohibited from teaching their children their own history or language. They were taken in chains to places like the Caribbean Islands to work as slaves on plantations.
My point is, the Irish culture and Identity was strong enough to survive all that, and to this day is "appropriated" every Saint Patrick's day (who, by the way, wasn't Irish) with people dressing like leprechauns, wearing false shamrock tattoos and getting plastered. Fake Irish accents, shamrock shakes, Kiss me I'm Irish tee shirts.
Get over yourselves, get a grip, acknowledge the roots and heritage that created you and celebrate the human heritage, the culture of every living human being on our voyage into a future where there are no separate "cultures" but simply examples of the different ways we rose up on our back legs and tried to make sense of a chaotic world.


Think of it as Evolution in Action.

Exactly, you can't fight evolution, only reward behavior that is detrimental to the species as a whole. We are directing the genetic course of our species without the slightest clue what we are doing, like a chimp armed with a rock trying to fix a supercomputer.

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