Togetherness Meet up Hunters Team and Enjoy Acehness Culinary [Mie Aceh Served With Tuna]

in #culinary6 years ago

Dear Steemian fellow..


Mie Aceh has never been a boring culinary, maybe that piece of words that I want to convey to my steemian friends, Mie Aceh is one of the iconic culinary province of Aceh, Indonesia. Even culinary Mie Aceh not only exist in the province of Aceh, Mie Aceh as a culinary that has a traditional taste has spread almost throughout the archipelago. You certainly are outside the province of Aceh can easily find the gallery of Mie Aceh, even with the exception of service applications on mobile phones though.

Mie Aceh tak pernah menjadi kuliner yang membosankan, mungkin itulah sepenggal kata yang ingin saya sampaikan kepada teman-teman steemian, Mie Aceh memang menjadi salah satu ikon kuliner provinsi Aceh, Indonesia. Bahkan kuliner Mie Aceh tidak hanya ada di Provinsi Aceh, Mie Aceh sebagai kuliner yang memiliki cita rasa tradisional sudah tersebar hampir keseluruh Nusantara. Anda tentu yang berada di luar provinsi Aceh dengan mudah bisa menemukan galery Mie Aceh, bahkan tidak terkecuali dengan aplikasi layanan di telpon genggam sekalipun.


This time I want to share a lnew experiences with steemian friends wherever you are, Mie Aceh is very well known as a culinary very spoil your tongue, let alone served with a variety of seafood mix such as, Oysters and even Shrimps, certainly add to your taste buds imagine delicious?!

Kali ini saya ingin sedikit berbagi dengan rekan steemian di manapun anda berada, Mie Aceh memang sangat dikenal sebagai kuliner yang sangat memanjakan lidah anda, apalagi disajikan dengan berbagai campuran seafood seperti, Cumi, Tiram dan bahkan Udang, tentu menambah selera anda membayangkan kelezatannya bukan?!


But this time I want to share other menus served with this awesome culinary, how about if Mie Aceh is served with fresh fish such Tuna catches by fishermen ?! Of course you are a little curious isn't it?

Namun kali ini saya ingin membagikan menu lainnya disajikan bersama kuliner dahsyat ini, Bagaimana jadinya jika Mie Aceh di sajikan dengan ikan Tuna segar hasil tangkapan nelayan?! Tentu Anda sedikit penasaran bukan!?,



It turned out that the composition of Mie Aceh is flexible and can be served with various other menus, making it Tuna as one of the other awesome menus that can be collaborated with the archipelago cuisine, it sure turns out by some steemian friends who had the opportunity to enjoy the cuisine of Aceh is very curious, how does it tasty if Mie Aceh served with Tuna.

Ternyata komposisi Mie Aceh yang fleksibel serta bisa disajikan dengan berbagai menu lainnya, menjadikannya Ikan Tuna sebagai salah satu menu dhasyat lainnya yang bisa dikolaborasikan dengan santapan nusantara ini, benar saja ternyata dari beberapa teman steemian yang berkesempatan menikmati santapan kuliner khas Aceh ini sangat penasaran sekali, bagaimana rasanya jika Mie Aceh di sajikan dengan Ikan Tuna.



Without waiting for a long serving of culinary ready to eat, @my451r @faizarfatria have a chance to enjoy a special culinary meal this time, fresh Tuna Fish has been collaborated with the delicious flavors in the dish of Mie Aceh a little wet, the result of stirring by Bang Kumis (figure Mie Aceh traders who quite flashy in the city of Steem Lhokseumawe).

Tanpa menunggu lama sajian kuliner siap santap, @my451r @faizarfatria berkesempatan menikmati santap kuliner khususan kali ini, Ikan Tuna segar telah terkolaborasi dengan citarasa nikmat dalam sajian Mie Aceh yang sedikit basah, hasil tumisan Bang Kumis (Sosok Pedagang Mie Aceh yang lumayan mentereng di kota Steem).




And the result of curiosity during this complete in the final flakes Mie Aceh served with Tuna is, nothing left in addition to the satisfaction of high protein flavors mix on adrenaline, sweat and stifling caused by the traditional seasoning Aceh Sumatra branded, making the relaxed atmosphere with colleagues tonight more exciting.

Dan hasilnya rasa penasaran selama ini tuntas di serpihan akhir Mie Aceh Tuna ini, tidak ada yang tersisa selain kepuasan citarasa protein tinggi menyetubuhi adrenalin, keringat serta rasa gerah diakibatkan bumbu tradisional cap Aceh Sumatra, menjadikan suasana santai bersama sejawat malam ini semakin menggairahkan.


Discord Komunitas Steemit Indonesia


I cant wait to visit Indonesia, heard a lot about that country. I wanna have a taste of your local meals

I Invite you to Aceh Sumatra and waiting for at the airport of Sultan Iskandar Muda, lets come buddy and enjoy the trip :D

i'l be there someday bro

Take make Word :D

Bole.. Mari sini :D

Oya.. benar ne abg

Cita rasa mie aceh memang hana dua.

No Medicine dude :D

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